What is the offical word on 64bit support? (1 Viewer)


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  • February 2, 2007
    Home Country
    New Zealand New Zealand
    Hi People,

    I am wondering what is the offical word on 64bit support for TV Engine inside a 64bit environment either XP 64 or Vista 64? now I am true believer in the 64 arena as the support for seeing all 4gb of RAM in my machine is great.

    But I recently posted an article inside support forum for TVS and I got a developer coming back to me saying it wasnt compiled for 64bit...

    So yes this is supported or its on the "todo" list? Or no 64 is not mainstream or I dont own a 64bit processor or machine so how can I test? I checked the requirements and I am running vista so it should be ok...

    I would be MORE then happy to assist you guys in getting this stable inside a 64bit environment as I want this project to progress and succeed


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