What is TV-server (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
July 12, 2006
Having looked around and not found the answer i ask it here.

I am looking for a solution where my 24/7 server could be set to record programmes and to distribute the tv signal around the house.

Ideally i would be able to use the server as before and just add another gfx card and run the other gfx card as my mediaportal ..

Where do i find a description of what this program is and what it can do ?



Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    I am looking for a solution where my 24/7 server could be set to record programmes and to distribute the tv signal around the house.


    heheh, I think you answered your own question.
    The download links are on the homepage and the set up instructions are in the wiki.

    Besically the server will run as a service on one PC and continue to record your programs whenever the PC is on and will also be able to stream TV to other networked pcs running MP.
    If you want to use the server PC for watching TV, this is also fine and I think I use my PC the way you are planning to.
    The server runs on my bedroom PC and the gfx card has dual output. The MP screen goes to the TV and I can use the PC for regular stuff at the same time on the PC LCD.

    Hope this helps :)


    Portal Member
    July 12, 2006

    Yeah, now i read a little about it and it sounds just like what i wanted.

    So now i will only have to wait until it actually works...According to what i read there are many many bugs in it yet and as such the WAF is really low.

    Must admit that as of today i still use MCE because i never found mp to be stable enough to be trusted.

    Only problem is that MCE is very very limited in its functions and i would really like to change to something more advanced but as long at it cannot be trusted to do what i want it to i have to stick with MCE.

    Alot of bad things can be said about Billyboy but his MCE is stable as a rock and only fails me very very seldom.



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 16, 2005
    the TV Server works really well for the most part.
    For me, it's extremely stable but my issue is that I can't resist applying all the SVN releases, which is basically the latest untested work in progress.
    In your case, when the WAF is critical, then just install the latest and see it if works for you. A bit of research will help you there. If a version has errors then it's usually reported in the thread for it.

    Good luck, I know how scary something like this is when you have to go through WAF steps...


    Portal Pro
    August 12, 2007
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    I concur with Marcus. I have a very stable setup running the latest SVN releases in this configuration (client/server). I also suffer from the need to try out every new SVN :) . Nevertheless, MP is a much more mature product than it once was. My system hasn't missed recording one of my wife's favourite shows in a very long time. As it is an application and not an integral part of the OS, you can always run it alongside your MCE and if it doesn't work satisfactorily, you can revert back to MCE quite easily.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 17, 2006
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    I can also confirm a working/stable setup including TV3 with high WAF.


    Portal Member
    July 12, 2006

    Last time i even tried to install MP it would crash during install on 2 different machines.

    It was a while though, maybe i should give it another chance.

    I found this screenshot from when i tried to install last time :



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