What registry entries do I need to keep for Mediaportal? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
May 13, 2007
Hello, first of all thanks for the great software. I was new to TV cards until now and after a period of being a bit baffled with everything I'm up and running and very pleased with it all.

The only trouble I've got is that cleaning out my registry resets everything back to square one, if I restore the backup most of the settings come back. I've tried the last stable build and the SVN's and I've had the same issues with both. I've not had any problems before when I've just cleaned out everything that Regseeker picks up as not being needed so I assume Mediaportal must be doing something unusual as far as the registry entries go? I've also tried just deleting every unnecessary entry that doesn't sound like it's anything to do with the Nova-T and Mediaportal but I've had no luck doing that either, it just got the same result.

This isn't a dedicated HTPC so I don't really want to have a clogged-up registry just because I'm worried about deleting something Mediaportal needs. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance :)


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    there are NO reg settings which MediaPortal uses, all settings are stored in XML files.

    I am not sure about your TV cards


    Portal Member
    May 13, 2007
    Ah right, I thought I'd read elsewhere on here that it did use the registry. Off to a Hauppauge board I go then.

    Cheers :)

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