Will MP2 natively support DVBLink Tuners? (1 Viewer)


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  • June 14, 2008
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Given the history with MediaPortal 1.x and the issues around MD plugins, an ideal compromise appears to be the use of DVBLogic tuners as a valid mediaportal source.

    I am currently testing MP 1.1 with dvblink tvsource tuners and it works, but there is manual work to be done to build tuner files, and if frequencies change etc.

    If DVBLogic was natively supported and could offer a quick channel sync option like there is with Win MCE, or even how Sage development is headed that would be fantastic - any support of MD plugins would be nothing to do with MP2, and sit entirely with the dvblogic side of things.

    Just wondered if there was any plans to have proper support for DVBLogic tuners or not at this stage?

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