WinTV - USB (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 30, 2006
I have followed the advice listed on WinTV-USB installations but cannot get the WinTV USB card to be recognized. Has anyone been able to get this card to work? If so, what were the tricks?

Attached is the Hauppauge Product Info.

Model 40001 Rev.
Serial #4294967272
Tuner Model/Formats: Philips FI1236 MK2 // (M/N)
Tuner Audio: Mono
Video Formats: NTSC ( M ) PAL ( B G H I D K M N NCOMBO ) SECAM ( L L' )
Audio Outputs: External
External Inputs: 0
S-Video Inputs: 1
Teletext: Yes (Software)
Radio: None
Decoder: SAA7111
IR: No

EEprom Contents:
84 09 00 04 20 77 00 40 e8 ff ff ff
73 05 00 02
84 08 00 06 41 9c 00 00 00 00 00
72 07 70
73 09 17 5f
73 0a 08 0a
72 0b 22
72 0e 00
72 10 01
72 11 1f
79 a3

Exec.exe 2.6.21026
Hcwclear.exe 2.64.22175
Primary.exe 3.9.22146
Prodinfo.exe 1.8.21177
WinTV2k.exe 4.7.23045

hcwChan.dll 3.23.23039
hcwTVDlg.dll 3.16.21311
hcwTVWnd.dll 2.136.23047 DS-PVR
hcwHook.dll 1.5.17117 1.14.22148 1.14.20351 1.14.20351
hcwsnbd9.dll 9.0.0
gear32sd.dll 6.2.0

hcwutl32.dll 3.8.22159
hcwi2c32.dll 2.15.23041
hcwpnp32.dll 4.36.23105

msvcrt.dll 7.0.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
msvcirt.dll 7.0.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
msvcrt20.dll 2.12.000
msvcrt40.dll 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)
mfc42.dll 6.02.4131.0

NUvision.sys 2.64.23189 2, 0, 3, 2
NUVTwain.dll 1, 0, 3, 0


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  • July 1, 2006
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    After having to reinstall my PC i found that the naming in the file 'CaptureCardDefinitions.xml' (in the MP folder) was wrong for my card (WinTV PVR2 USB2). I found half the solution in the forum but figured the rest out myself. Basically what i did was that i found the section for my card in the settings file. I then checked the name of my card in the device manager. The difference was that a '2' was missing in 'Hauppauge WinTV PVR2 USB2 Encoder' in my file.

    So i changed all instances of the name in the correct section and now it works fine.

    Dunno if this is the solution for your problem but it might be a step in the right direction.

    Good luck


    Portal Member
    June 30, 2006
    WinTV USB

    Thanks for the hint. I got a little further... MP now alows me to setup the TV card but will not "generate the graph. I'm getting this error in the MP Log.
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Add graph to ROT table
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM Exception :confused:ystem.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.MkParseDisplayName(IBindCtx pbc, String szUserName, UInt32& pchEaten, IMoniker& ppmk)
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.BindToMoniker(String monikerName)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.SinkGraphEx.CreateGraph(Int32 Quality)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM Exception :Value does not fall within the expected range.
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM site :Void MkParseDisplayName(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx, System.String, UInt32 ByRef, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker ByRef)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM source :mscorlib
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM stacktrace: at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.MkParseDisplayName(IBindCtx pbc, String szUserName, UInt32& pchEaten, IMoniker& ppmk)
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.BindToMoniker(String monikerName)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.SinkGraphEx.CreateGraph(Int32 Quality)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1

    I created a WinTV USB Definition in the CaptureCardDefinitions.xml. I'm guessing on the parameters but did find most of them. I did not find the tvaudio in graphedit. I suspect that may be part of the problem.

    Any thoughts?


    Portal Member
    June 30, 2006
    Some more detail. I tried an older WinTV PCI card and got about as far. In GraphEdit either the video for the PCI card or the audio on the USB card will not render.

    The USB card seems to get closer. There is not TV Audio capture device listed in GraphEdit.


    MP Donator
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  • March 25, 2006
    Stockholm, Sweden
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    Sweden Sweden

    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Add graph to ROT table
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <Hauppauge> with moniker <device>
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM Exception :confused:ystem.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.MkParseDisplayName(IBindCtx pbc, String szUserName, UInt32& pchEaten, IMoniker& ppmk)
    at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.BindToMoniker(String monikerName)
    at MediaPortal.TV.Recording.SinkGraphEx.CreateGraph(Int32 Quality)
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM Exception :Value does not fall within the expected range.
    7/1/2006 10:20:26 AM site :Void MkParseDisplayName(System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx, System.String, UInt32 ByRef, System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker ByRef)

    You need to have a supported MPEG Encoder installed, for example Intervideo WinDVR.

    I got tired of the crappy picture quality so I just bought a WinTV PVR USB2 :(



    Portal Member
    June 30, 2006
    I have it loaded. It didn't seem to have any effect. I have tried a couple of other TV Tuner cards (Norwood, and WinTV Go-plus) with similar results. Within GraphEdit I am unable to get the components to connect.

    I'm going to try an AVI TV Wonder next.

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