Working FunAction Oxford PG700 (Yuan PG700) Definition (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 27, 2006

Just thought id post the config i used to get my FunAction Oxford PG700 (a Yuan PG700) working.

<capturecard commercialname="YUAN DVB PG700 - JB" capturename="DVB-T Digital TV Capture" devid="ven_14f1&amp;dev_8800&amp;subsys_370012ab&amp;rev_05">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="true"/>
<interface cat="capture" video="3" audio="4" mpeg2="1" sectionsandtables="2"/>
<filter cat="networkprovider" name="Microsoft DVBT Network Provider" checkdevice="false"/>
<filter cat="tunerdevice" name="DVB-T Tuner" checkdevice="true"/>
<filter cat="capture" name="DVB-T Digital TV Capture" checkdevice="true"/>
<connection sourcefilter="networkprovider" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="tunerdevice" sinkpin="0"/>
<connection sourcefilter="tunerdevice" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"/>

Seems to work fine - i cloned the existing config and edited the tuner/capture/pciid as per GraphEdit



New Member
July 1, 2006
Tasmania, Australia
Black Screen

Thankyou for the code to the Oxford 700.

I have inserted the code but when I search for channels all I get is a black screen.

It seems to find and store the channels, but only with a black screen and no sound.

Any ideas anyone.

Thanks for the help.

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