WorldClock plugin v1.10.0 for MediaPortal 1.3.0 and higher (4 Viewers)


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
please find at the first post of this thread and in our plugin repository an updated version of WorldClock. This update was required to fix some various daylight saving time related astronomy calculation issues.

Note: in case you want install this update and you use WorldWeather, please download and install updated version of mentioned plugin immediately.

Cheers, Micropolis


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
please find at the first post of this thread and in our plugin repository the updated version v1.2.2 of WorldClock. This update was required to fix astronomical calculation issues and to fix MediaPortal 1.4.0 specific timer issue in case threaded plugin loading is enabled. If you are a WorldWeather user, please download and install updated version of mentioned plugin immediately.

Cheers, Micropolis


Portal Member
March 24, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
I installed Version 1.3 of WorldClock on MP1.5 with amPed Skin. When I try to cofig the plugin, i cannot access the fields for Tinezone and description in the MP configurtion, they are greyed out.
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Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
please find at the first post of this thread and in our repository version 1.4.0 of WorldClock. This update is required to support the upcoming version of MediaPortal v1.6.0.

Important: Due to massive changes of my plugin framework please be aware, that all other installed plugins of my collection must be updated simultaneously. I do not accept error posts for eventual potenial problems in case this hint should be ignored.

Cheers, Micropolis


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
please find at the well known places version 1.5.0 of WorldClock. This update is required to support my updated plugin framework and the upcoming version of MediaPortal v1.7.0. Important: this version is only compatible with MediaPortal version 1.6.0 and above. For prior releases, please download the archived installer from our repository.

Cheers, Micropolis


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
this plugin has been updated to support the upcoming MediaPortal version 1.9.0. In order to prevent problems and errors with other plugins of my collection, please note the following information:
  • due to architectural changes in the core libraries, all plugins must be updated simultaneously
  • internal update mechanism has been changed with this version, the old way should work until end of October 2014 only
Cheers, Micropolis


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
a long time ago a feature request from @ysmp has arrived me to include digital clock styles into WorldClock.
Attached please find the preview version 1.6.4 which supports this feature in all consequences. To fulfill this requirement on the development side, a complete rework of the plugin architecture, the configuration dialog and most of the plugin routines are required. In case you want to use this version, please read the following information carefully:
  • previous skin files must be adapt to the preview version (please see chapter "Skin Changes" in the attached manual or use the included skin file as template)
  • previous setting file cannot be used anymore, please reconfigure your settings again (to prevent issues, please delete the settings file WorldClock.xml before start the new configuration)
  • supported language files has been reworked, please replace older versions before opening the plugin in MediaPortal
  • Known issues: the function to add transparency to analog/digital clock images doesn't work as expected yet, the digital clock image cannot be centered automatically in the appropriate skin property yet, the color picker in the configuration dialog does not change the state of "Apply" button
Please support me to test and identify issues of this preview, to create great skin file and/or to update or create language files.

Regards, Micropolis
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Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
please find attached the latest build for the preview version 1.6.4 of WorldClock. This version contains some fixes and enhancements to the latest community test release.

Regards, Micropolis


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
a minor update for the preview version of WorldClock is available. This release contains minor improvements, support for up to 10 clocks and a context menu option to flip the clock style within MediaPortal.

Cheers, Micropolis


Portal Pro
July 22, 2009
Home Country
Germany Germany
Dear community,
nearly at the end of this year I want to present you the release candidate version for WorldClock v1.6.5.
Unfortunately, the recent posts are exclusive entertainment for myself, but I hope that some community members wants to give me feedback later about their experiences.

Regards and have a good start in 2015,

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