I'd like to tell you about a bug I've found in the alice.it grabber for italian channels. there is a duplicated Channel id in ALICE_IT.XML in the IT directory: "Rete 4" and "MTV Italia" have the same ID; this is how I've edited the file:
now MTV Italia has its own Channel ID=73...hope this can be included in the last release!!
P.S. I don't know if someone has already fixed it because I'm using an old SVN from version 0.2.2
I'd like to tell you about a bug I've found in the alice.it grabber for italian channels. there is a duplicated Channel id in ALICE_IT.XML in the IT directory: "Rete 4" and "MTV Italia" have the same ID; this is how I've edited the file:
- <Channels>
<Channel id="Rai 1" siteId="1" />
<Channel id="Rai 2" siteId="3" />
<Channel id="Rai 3" siteId="16" />
<Channel id="Canale 5" siteId="22" />
<Channel id="Italia 1" siteId="23" />
<Channel id="Rete 4" siteId="24" />
<Channel id="La7" siteId="75" />
<Channel id="All Music" siteId="72" />
<Channel id="MTV Italia" siteId="73" />
now MTV Italia has its own Channel ID=73...hope this can be included in the last release!!
P.S. I don't know if someone has already fixed it because I'm using an old SVN from version 0.2.2