X10 Motion Detection (1 Viewer)


New Member
April 3, 2006
Hi Folks

Did try searching but couldn't find anything.

Basically, I am using X10 for some basic home automation and would like to be able to have MP automatically pause when one of my X10 motion detectors detects motion.

The x10 side of things is basic enough, when motion is detected an X10 On command is sent (e.g. A3 On).

Now I would like to think there's a way of then getting Media Portal to respond to that command and pause whatever I'm watching.

Anyone know if this is possible and how to go about it (does the X10 Remote thing have any part to play here)



Portal Member
March 29, 2006
search function is wonderful!

You may want to use the search function for your question.

But basically what you need is a CM11 or like device to receive the x10 command on the MP machine. Next map the incoming x10 signal to a MP gui command. You might want to take a look at the x10 dummy plugin 8)

hope this gets you on your way; I haven't played with x10 on MP yet as we run x10 on our domotica server. It would be nice to find a way to have the domotica server interact with MP ...

Guess we have to keep on looking around

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