Hi there.
I have asked this oin the german sections already, but noone seems to know anything there:
My problem is, I am using a X10 remote like this: http://raftaman.net/?p=48
Now I want to map the red button (also named as "audio") and the yellow button (also named as "Angle") to "switch audio channel" and "change aspect ratio". The commands are known, how to map something is known, how to learn something is known. Because those buttons are not in the menu list anywhere or the naming is absolutely off, the MP setup gives no option to map them :/ . If at least the "learn" function would allow to press an unknown remote button to be recognized, but MP does not seem to be abled to, it only learns already existing buttons from the given list.
So, how the heck can I use those two buttons and map them?
I have asked this oin the german sections already, but noone seems to know anything there:
My problem is, I am using a X10 remote like this: http://raftaman.net/?p=48
Now I want to map the red button (also named as "audio") and the yellow button (also named as "Angle") to "switch audio channel" and "change aspect ratio". The commands are known, how to map something is known, how to learn something is known. Because those buttons are not in the menu list anywhere or the naming is absolutely off, the MP setup gives no option to map them :/ . If at least the "learn" function would allow to press an unknown remote button to be recognized, but MP does not seem to be abled to, it only learns already existing buttons from the given list.
So, how the heck can I use those two buttons and map them?