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    • CyberSimian
      I eventually came across the TwinHan driver CD that was included with the original product. The CD contains numerous drivers for the different TwinHan tuner models, but the drivers are for Win 2K...
    • CyberSimian
      clean installed 1.36 with mariadb installed ok but it failed at database test.... but if you put in a blank password during the db test/setup (a single space as emtpy does not work) It will work...
    • CyberSimian
      Just for the record, I was able to find my old USB tuner to test MP 1.36 on my laptop, but unfortunately Windows 10 does not recognise the tuner :( , and I have not been able to find any Windows...
    • CyberSimian
      I am sorry that you are having no success performing a first-time install of MP 1.36 on Windows 10/11. :( I am not a member of the development team, and know nothing about the intricacies of SQL...
    • CyberSimian
      Got a solution, with this log entry, I found this site, which helped me:
    • CyberSimian
      CyberSimian reacted to fangio99's post in the thread Reset TVServer with
      It seems if you uninstall just the tvserver and client it wipes all the settings and clears the database.
    • CyberSimian
      CyberSimian replied to the thread Reset TVServer.
      A few days ago I did a test install of MP 1.36 on my laptop. This install included TV Server even though my laptop does not have access to a TV tuner. So I have not made any changes to the TV...
    • CyberSimian
      Some further points that I should have mentioned earlier: (1) I always install using Run as Administrator. I usually open an Administrator command window and invoke the MP installer from the...
    • CyberSimian
      First thing to say is that I use MP1, whereas I believe that you use MP2. @ge2301 has just posted that MP2 has a "folder view" in addition to the "library view", so you should be able to set up...
      • video_folders_5.png
      • video_folders_4.png
      • video_folders_3.png
      • video_folders_2.png
      • video_folders_1.jpg
    • CyberSimian
      CyberSimian replied to the thread Reset TVServer.
      Hmm. The MP client has the file "MediaPortal.xml" that defines the client's settings. Deleting that and starting "MP Config" will cause a default config file to be created :). But I don't think...
    • CyberSimian
      Well, this is very strange. I have just performed a true first-time install of MP 1.36 64-bit on Windows 10 64-bit, with all Windows maintenance applied (up to 2024-12-11). MP 1.36 installed...
      • pre-install_summary.jpg
    • CyberSimian
      According to this post, the pre-initialised password has the wrong mixture of upper and lower case. Try Mediaportal instead of MediaPortal. I am still using MP 1.33 (on Windows 7 :eek: ), so I...
    • CyberSimian
      MP1 does not have any facility for moving recordings from one folder to another :(. I don't know whether MP2 has a way of doing this. o_O Once a week I get a keyboard out and manually create...
    • CyberSimian
      Thank you very much for the tip. The Germany-Full doesn't have all the channels either. But I've now found out that I can read the frequencies using DVB-Viewer, which also receives all the...
    • CyberSimian
      I notice that there is a tuning-parameters file called Germany.Full.xml that is much larger than any of the files for specific regions/providers in Germany. Does that file work, or are there...
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