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    • F
      fangio99 replied to the thread DVB-T playback.
      So I checked the signal levels. Level = 87 Quality = 100 I checked again, the preview in TVServer config is fine motion wise but not when in the main program. I've tried MadVR and EVR renderers...
    • F
      fangio99 posted the thread DVB-T playback in TV-Server.
      I've just rebuilt my htpc and added DVB-S and DVB-T cards TBS6281 and TBS6982. The system is all working well except for playback on DVB-T. The video is unwatchable blocky, pixelated, jerky but...
    • F
      Everything is fine on Win 11 except this issue and a slight issue on DVB-T channels. DVB-S/S2 etc work perfectly. I get an MSSQL Error "Connection Failed (Look at C:\Program...
    • F
      I've just installed a completely fresh windows 11, mediaportal 1.33 x86, TV server x86 with MSSQL 2008 R2. I have installed EPG-Buddy but I cannot get the program to function. I get an error...
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