
  1. G

    1.29.0 IPTV does not consistently connect. Mediaportal client times out before Tv Server establishes timeshifting?

    I'm not sure exactly when this started, I've been dealing with it for a while until I had time to troubleshoot it. I'm pretty sure it was present in 1.27 Final, definitely in 1.28 pre-release. It appears to me from the logs that the TV server takes a little longer to establish the connection...
  2. ajs

    1.29.0 MediaPortal 1 - 1.28 "Summer Breeze" Released!

    We have just released MediaPortal 1.28 Summer Breeze Highlights of this release Bugfixes: [MP1-5053] - TV framerate is not parsed from tsbuffer [MP1-5058] - Infinity waiting in TVClient library [MP1-5059] - Performance stats displayed incorrectly [MP1-5061] - SQLite does not select all data...
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