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    • G
      Gcarr replied to the thread MediaPortal with IPTV.
      @mywayfr1 It works in online videos if you add it in. It's not as convenient as other players and it does not provide a guide but it's a good option if don't like changing apps when you want to...
    • G
      Gcarr reacted to doskabouter's post in the thread IPTV timeshifting with
      I had that too, and in the end, a timeout occured when fetching data. You can set the timeout of all the urls in tvservice/plugins/mediaportal iptv filter and url source splitter/databae editor...
    • G
      Gcarr reacted to mywayfr1's post in the thread MediaPortal with IPTV with
      Hello, startingpoint: Scan DVB - IP doesn't give a simple way to use xstream code... For sometime I've use mediaportal tvlive with an m3u file but now the provider only give acces to his service...
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