1.3.0 Audio (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 24, 2008
Home Country
Hi all,

Havent had to trouble anyone for... well I dont know how long. Been happily using 1.2.x along with 4TR for a long time now with few issues.

Recently, however, I decided to upgrade to 1.3.0. Unfortunately I had quite a few issues with the upgrade. Primarily down to not realising I needed to upgrade 4TR, but even after then I ended up - eventually - having to fully uninstall MP and 4TR (updated to ARGUS), and clean reinstall to a different location to get MP to work at all ( previously had all apps on D drive but would work until all relocated to C).

Anyway, that's just a little background.

I had previously been using SAF and ffdshow for audio, and explicitly prefer to have all my stereo programming output to 5.1. Because of the hours of issues I had with the reinstall I decided to keep it simple and go with the bunded LAV filters. However, I could not for the life of me output stereo to 5.1. Clearly the mixing options were having some effect as selecting options had a marked impact on the sound EXCEPT I was never getting surround or LFE channels (reflected by listening, and the output monitor graphic). I have reverted then to ffdshow, and once again have the desired 5.1 output.

I am still curious, however, if there was anything I may have been doing wring in LAV, as I would still prefer to keep the setup as simple as poss, and as much as I like ffdshow, I would happily trim back down to LAV if I could get the 5.1 working.

I also seem to have a side effect with the current set up with ffdshow audio filters in as much as a program will start, and although I hear the audio, it takes some time (perhaps a minute or more) for the video to display. This happens every time. On occasion I also have difficulty stopping the playback i.e. it takes another minute or so to respond.

I realise it seems as though this is video and not audio related, however it was not doing this with the - stereo only - LAV setup.

To be honest, I can probably live with the minor inconvenience for the return of 5.1 audio, however if there are any views as to why this may be occurring or how I can set up LAV differently I would greatly appreciate any input.

Although the above is my primary enquiry, I would also welcome, just from curiosity, any views as to overall benefits from using LAV only, or, conversely, disadvantages of using ffdshow instead / as well.

Thanks for your time.


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 21, 2010
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    Germany Germany
    Is there a more appropriatte location to post this query ?

    On the mixing tab in LAV audio decoder have you tried to enable "Dolby Pro Logic II" (under Matrix Encoding)?


    Portal Pro
    July 24, 2008
    Home Country
    I have tried this, however I am certainly happy to try it again (after trying so many combinations its no longer possible to be 100% sure of what I actually did and didnt do, even though I believe I covered all the options on that screen). I'll post back after double checking.

    Appreciatte your assistance.


    Portal Pro
    July 24, 2008
    Home Country
    No luck ..:(

    Im sure your correct in as much as that should work, but for some reason it just doesnt for me.

    I should perhaps say that I am using analog outs to my amp (though I dont know if this should make any difference or not... but its fine with ffdshow).. digital out is not an option for me.

    Thanks again for the suggestion though.


    Super Moderator
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 21, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    I think it is not possible to upmix stereo sources with LAV audio decoder yet.

    Originally Posted by moliko
    I have a issue with the Dolby Pro Logic II.
    Enable Mixing is set to 5.1.
    Matrix Encoding: Dolby Pro Logic II
    Setttings: Don´t mix Stereo sources unchecked
    The Output shows 6 Channels but its plays only Stereo.

    DPLII is only for downmixing, so that a DPLII-compatible receiver can reconstruct a 5.1 signal (useful in case you only have a stereo SPDIF link to your receiver, for example)
    LAV does not do any upmixing right now, because proper upmixing requires a lot of filtering, and simple upmixing sounds terrible for movies.

    From: http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?p=1620752#post1620752

    I think you have to use ffdshow for that.
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