1.3.1 no longer scheduled? (1 Viewer)


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  • June 20, 2009
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    Germany Germany
    Half-Full-Screen: Check the state of the Area51 builds. You can always use it on top of MP if it does not show any general issues or usage problems for you. Thread is here: https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/threads/call-for-tester-for-1-4-0-features-and-fixes.114566

    The HDMI issue is already fixed (no one complained about it anymore in the last couple of weeks) but there are many related child issues because it required a huge refactoring in a lot of places.

    While at it any related glitches are getting fixed as well. Anything else that is related and needs fixing in the main thread of MP gets added as well.

    The more people help on Area51 the faster we can progress here and have it ready for inclusion in the next release. Especially HDMI hotplugging, standby/hibernate/resume require a lot of different systems to be tested on.

    If you call it 1.3.1 or 1.4.0 doesn't matter. The stuff will be ready as soon as testing shows up no more known issues.
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