2nd monitor issues (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 2, 2007
ill describe what is happening:

i have a PC monitor and TV hooked up to my PC. i have mediaportal set to run fullscreen on my TV. sometimes when I shut my TV off and then turn my TV back on (never closing mediaportal), there is a weird noise like the 2nd monitor (TV) was disconnected for a second, and then mediaportal goes to my first monitor. the other half of the time, i dont hear a weird noise and mediaportal stays fine on my TV.

im looking for a way to make sure that mediaportal doesnt go to my PC monitor, and just waits for the TV to turn on and stay onto my TV.


Portal Member
November 2, 2007
ok i discovered something. my tv goes into standby mode and that is what is causing the issue. do the startup/resume settings for mediaportal fix this messing up?

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