2Wire Launches MediaPortal !!!!! (1 Viewer)

Mars Warrior

Portal Pro
August 26, 2004
Airy Crater, Mars
Home Country
:twisted: Got you :twisted:

It seems everybody is using the MediaPortal name for similar things...

2Wire recently launched the MediaPortal, a software platform that lets DSL providers offer satellite TV, DSL and entertainment services - such as media on demand, personal video recorder, music and photo management, and unified messaging - through one set-top box and back-end management system. MediaPortal will let customers buy digital content or access streaming media from the Internet via set-top box, making it available to multiple devices over the home network. The platform uses 2Wire's Component Management System, which lets providers diagnose and troubleshoot technical issues, and remotely provision customized data, voice and entertainment services.

Too late for us to find a new, unique and appealing name I guess ?????


Question is WHEN did they announce it MediaPortal has been on SourceForge since April with the name "MediaPortal". It is first come first serve with a product name. Not sure about the trademark name though. If I remember Frodo is in Europe and they my handle trademarks differently.

I do however like the remote 2wire has for their "MediaPortal" product.


larger image here


Portal Member
August 30, 2004
:? Hmmm... That's the sad part of having such a stardarized name.

2Wire MediaPortal screenshots.

This could of course be a messy story if/when media tries to do research on their own and does not realize their are reading about the wrong stuff.

I think this is something for the project founders to handle. Either we just don't care or we adapt to nature and changes the name now, before 0.1 release (or @ the same time).

:?: So: Frodo, MrMario64, what do you say?

My recommendation is to have us all investigating new name alternatives for let's say 2 weeks and post'em here. And then you decide what todo.

8) \Mess


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  • April 23, 2004
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    Just do a google on MediaPortal or "Media Portal" ...u will find hundreds of different Media applications with the same name

    In the end noone can copyright such a broad name as Media Portal....that means as far as copyright, we are ok...

    I dont think Frodo will want to change the name anytime soon....since we have offically released one of our builds in a german mag c't.

    In the end the name doesnt matter, it what it does thats important !!!

    Mars Warrior

    Portal Pro
    August 26, 2004
    Airy Crater, Mars
    Home Country
    I don't want to start a war or something over the name, but its just that if I tell people about Media Portal and they use the internet to look for it they get about 5000 hits and come up with things like:

    Telling me its sooooooooooooo expensive ;)

    As for the legal part. I don't think that that will ever be an issue since many companies use the name MediaPortal for their product all over the world. 2Wire launched theirs AFAIK in January...

    So its just that I would liked to have a unique name, meaning a google search would come up only with OUR product, and not other products that not only have the same name, but even about (for the average reader) the same functionality.

    Maybe the logo man could create another logo and replace the "Better than sex" text with "Better than MediaPortal". Than to stirr things up a little, become a member of the 2Wire support program and use the new trailer :)


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  • April 22, 2004
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    it is easy to say a name sucks, or that we need a different name etc etc.
    Problem is, to come up with a good name.

    We have heard hundreds of names in the past and they all sucked.
    So, if you really really really have a really really really good name we could considder a change.

    But I highly doubt it.

    Mars Warrior

    Portal Pro
    August 26, 2004
    Airy Crater, Mars
    Home Country
    MrMario64 said:
    it is easy to say a name sucks, or that we need a different name etc etc.
    Problem is, to come up with a good name.
    MrMaaaaaaaaaaaaario :? Noone said the name sucks or that MediaPortal isn't a good name, its just that if I tell people about Media Portal they come up with the wrong product, so its more about "Damn", what if...

    My first post on this issue was therefore more about my own frustration wanting to do something about it (ie having people finding the RIGHT product), but unable to. The :twisted: :twisted: wheren't there for nothing...

    We have heard hundreds of names in the past and they all sucked.
    So, if you really really really have a really really really good name we could considder a change.
    I know. By the time you have finished a technically perfect product, the sales department is still looking for a name for the product that "expresses" a certain lifestyle, blablabla...

    Who knows, in the future... Many well known products have changed their name with suc6.

    But first things first, lets get MP stable, feature rich and THE product people want to have on their HTPC :wink:

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