No Load font lines in log i dont know why ... Clear cache solve problem or not?New logs in 4K with new cache and without MusicInfoHandler
NoClear cache solve problem or not?
This must be sought in the source code, and in the debugger, why the height in this place is not calculated correctly and how to fix it.I tried to change various parameters inside the "listcontrol". Also in the file references.xml I changed the resolution to 4K, resized focus highlight texture - nothing helped.
Try change this line MediaPortal/MediaPortal-1 to:I'll try later. I will inform you about the results
float fHeight = 60.0f;
GUIGraphicsContext.ScaleVertical(ref fHeight);
You use this code?Replaced Core.dll. Everything worked fine! Super! Thank you very much
float fHeight = 60.0f;
GUIGraphicsContext.ScaleVertical(ref fHeight);