I have a Sweetspot Capture Card http://www.pluggedin.tv/sweetspot/ which I use to get RGBs into my PC .
I would like to be able to use FFDShow in MP to scale this input for display @ 1280x768 on my plasma.
The Sweetspot comes with a WDM driver that gives access to various input configurations.
I have this working fine in MP except I can only access the first two CVBS inputs and the first S-Video input.
Here is a clip of my Capture log:-
03/03/2005 18:50:44 Card:2 CreateGraph
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DV Video Encoder...
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter MPEG Layer-3...
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph()
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Add graph to ROT table
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device PMS SweetSpot PDI Deluxe Capture
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device C-Media Rear Panel Audio
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Find TV Tuner
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph() FAILED:no tuner found
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:ctor
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:Found preview pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:Found capture pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:found video preview pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:found video capture pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:look for pin 656 (PVR150)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:look for pin I2S (WinFast PVR2000)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:No MPEG Video or MPEG Audio outputs found
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:HW MPEG2 encoder:False MCE device:False
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:change capture Framesize :320x240 ->720x576
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:change preview Framesize :320x240 ->720x576
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:capture FrameRate set to 25
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice: capture FrameRate done :25
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice
review FrameRate set to 25
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice: preview FrameRate done :25
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Card:2 start viewing
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph
tart viewing
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:10000
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:44 tv standard:None cable:False
03/03/2005 18:50:45 FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:False use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:True
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Find crossbar:#1
03/03/2005 18:50:45 crossbar found:1
03/03/2005 18:50:45 crossbar has 13 inputs and 2 outputs
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#0->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect success
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#1->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#2->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#3->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#4->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#5->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#6->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#7->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#8->out#0 / Video_SerialDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#9->out#0 / Video_ParallelDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#10->out#0 / Video_RGB -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#11->out#0 / Video_YRYBY -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#12->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_SVideo
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect success
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Find crossbar:#2
03/03/2005 18:50:45 no more crossbars.:0x80004005
03/03/2005 18:50:45 crossbar routing done
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:FAILED:render video preview
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:render preview
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:render preview pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Get overlay interfaces
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:enable deinterlace
03/03/2005 18:50:45 EnableDeInterlace()
03/03/2005 18:50:45 EnableDeInterlace() enum filters
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9 Get best deinterlace mode for 720x576 format:VMR9_SampleFieldInterleavedEvenFirst 4cc:YUY2 size:36
03/03/2005 18:50:45 set VMR9 deinterlace preferences to next best
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9 supports 2 interlace modes
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Set VMR9 deinterlace mode to:212dc724-3235-44a4-bd29-e1652bbcc71c
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9 uses deinterlace guid:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:run graph
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Card:2 rebuild graph done
03/03/2005 18:51:55 Card:1 stop
03/03/2005 18:51:55 Card:2 stop
03/03/2005 18:51:55 Card:2 DeleteGraph
03/03/2005 18:51:55 SWGraph
03/03/2005 18:51:55 SWGraph
03/03/2005 18:51:55 SWGraph
From this you can see the video crossbar gives access to 11 video configurations including my RGB input but currently MP only gives me access to the first three.
The Sweetspot card is unique in supporting RGBs, Component and SDI(optional) inputs at a cost of only 150 UK pounds. Unfortunately it doesn't include hardware encoding but it is a card that many HTPC enthusiasts use to enable PC based video processing.
Support for this card is already 90% in MP if someone could provide access to the other inputs on the crossbar it would be a very worth while addition to this already awesome program.
I have a Sweetspot Capture Card http://www.pluggedin.tv/sweetspot/ which I use to get RGBs into my PC .
I would like to be able to use FFDShow in MP to scale this input for display @ 1280x768 on my plasma.
The Sweetspot comes with a WDM driver that gives access to various input configurations.
I have this working fine in MP except I can only access the first two CVBS inputs and the first S-Video input.
Here is a clip of my Capture log:-
03/03/2005 18:50:44 Card:2 CreateGraph
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:GetCompressors() find video compressor filter DV Video Encoder...
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:GetCompressors() find audio compressor filter MPEG Layer-3...
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:GetCompressors() using mpeg2 compressors:False
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph()
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Add graph to ROT table
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device PMS SweetSpot PDI Deluxe Capture
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph() add capture device C-Media Rear Panel Audio
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Find TV Tuner
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:CreateGraph() FAILED:no tuner found
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:ctor
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:Found preview pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:Found capture pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:found video preview pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:found video capture pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:look for pin 656 (PVR150)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:look for pin I2S (WinFast PVR2000)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:No MPEG Video or MPEG Audio outputs found
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:HW MPEG2 encoder:False MCE device:False
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
03/03/2005 18:50:45 capture:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:change capture Framesize :320x240 ->720x576
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:change preview Framesize :320x240 ->720x576
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:capture FrameRate set to 25
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice: capture FrameRate done :25
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice: preview FrameRate done :25
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Card:2 start viewing
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:10000
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:44 tv standard:None cable:False
03/03/2005 18:50:45 FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:False use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:True
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Find crossbar:#1
03/03/2005 18:50:45 crossbar found:1
03/03/2005 18:50:45 crossbar has 13 inputs and 2 outputs
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#0->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect success
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#1->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#2->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#3->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#4->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#5->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#6->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#7->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#8->out#0 / Video_SerialDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#9->out#0 / Video_ParallelDigital -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#10->out#0 / Video_RGB -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#11->out#0 / Video_YRYBY -> Video_VideoDecoder
03/03/2005 18:50:45 check:in#12->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_SVideo
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect
03/03/2005 18:50:45 connect success
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Find crossbar:#2
03/03/2005 18:50:45 no more crossbars.:0x80004005
03/03/2005 18:50:45 crossbar routing done
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:FAILED:render video preview
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:render preview
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VideoCaptureDevice:render preview pin
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:Get overlay interfaces
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:enable deinterlace
03/03/2005 18:50:45 EnableDeInterlace()
03/03/2005 18:50:45 EnableDeInterlace() enum filters
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9 Get best deinterlace mode for 720x576 format:VMR9_SampleFieldInterleavedEvenFirst 4cc:YUY2 size:36
03/03/2005 18:50:45 set VMR9 deinterlace preferences to next best
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9 supports 2 interlace modes
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Set VMR9 deinterlace mode to:212dc724-3235-44a4-bd29-e1652bbcc71c
03/03/2005 18:50:45 VMR9 uses deinterlace guid:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
03/03/2005 18:50:45 SWGraph:run graph
03/03/2005 18:50:45 Card:2 rebuild graph done
03/03/2005 18:51:55 Card:1 stop
03/03/2005 18:51:55 Card:2 stop
03/03/2005 18:51:55 Card:2 DeleteGraph
03/03/2005 18:51:55 SWGraph
03/03/2005 18:51:55 SWGraph
03/03/2005 18:51:55 SWGraph
From this you can see the video crossbar gives access to 11 video configurations including my RGB input but currently MP only gives me access to the first three.
The Sweetspot card is unique in supporting RGBs, Component and SDI(optional) inputs at a cost of only 150 UK pounds. Unfortunately it doesn't include hardware encoding but it is a card that many HTPC enthusiasts use to enable PC based video processing.
Support for this card is already 90% in MP if someone could provide access to the other inputs on the crossbar it would be a very worth while addition to this already awesome program.