I am not writing a driver, that is way beyond my capabilities!
My programming abilities are self taught on a need to know basis in basic languages like Javascript, ASP and VBA. I've never used C# or MS Visual Studio before but all the hard work as already been done.
A WDM driver already exists for the Sweetspot (it's on the CD that came with the card). Media Portal is happy to use this driver to view the Sweetspot. All I have been doing is altering the existing code so that I can choose the more unusual inputs that don't appear in MPs standard configuration.
I wonder if a cleaner and more versatile way to do this is not by adding to the capturecard definition file a section which lists the inputs available on an input card.
At the moment I get the impression that MP assumes there are 2Composite and 1 svhs input on any card.
This would allow any type of card to be better handled and the MP menus could then more cleanly handle the result.
Anyone got any ideas about how this might be done?