Please add support
CrossEPG lightweight and portable epg for enigma2 dvb receivers (sat, cable and dtt).
pobrałem plik unpack file ,rename file rytecxmltvpoland to tvguide.xml
open TV-Server Configuration -> plugins -> XmTV -> import

Crossepg - Rytec graber EPG for MediaPortal
CrossEPG lightweight and portable epg for enigma2 dvb receivers (sat, cable and dtt).
Generic features:
Default providers:
- A lightweight epg db
- Protocol supported (by sat): OpenTV, MHW2 (with mhw2downloader by sergiotas)
- Protocol supported (by file): CSV, XMLTV (also gzip compressed), XEPGDB
- Scriptable with python
- HTTP data retrieve (for import)
- Integration with internal receiver epg
- Open source (LGPLv2.1 license)
- Create a compatibile epg.dat
- Configuration panel
- Downloader plugin
- Importer plugin
- Automatic script execution before import process
- Automatic daily EPG download
- Delay daily download if exist a record in progress
- Automatic EPG download on channel tune
- Python libraries for developers
- Automatic load data after a download without a reboot (a patch is required)
- Automatic reboot enigma2 if no patch exist
- Support for CrossEPG ENIGMA2 v2 patch
- Support for simple epgcache.load() patch
- Support for EDG NEMESIS patch
- Support for Oudeis patch
- Support UTF-8 charset
- Internationalization
Application credits:
- Ausat OpenTV (Optusc1 on 156.0)
- Sky Italia OpenTV (Hotbird on 13.0)
- Sky Uk OpenTV (Astra2 on 28.2)
- Sky Uk OpenTV (Astra2 on 28.4)
- MHW2 Digital+ (mhw2downloader by sergiotas)
- Ambrosa RAI Script
- Ambrosa Mediaset Premium Script
- Devilcosta Nova English XMLTV
- Devilcosta Nova Greek XMLTV
- Krkadoni ExYu XMLTV
- Linuxsat ExUSSR XMLTV
- Rytec Benelux XMLTV
- Rytec Bulgaria XMLTV
- Rytec Denmark XMLTV
- Rytec Erotic XMLTV
- Rytec Finland XMLTV
- Rytec France XMLTV
- Rytec Germany/Austria/Swiss XMLTV
- Rytec Greece In English XMLTV
- Rytec Greece XMLTV
- Rytec Hungary XMLTV
- Rytec Israel XMLTV
- Rytec Italy XMLTV
- Rytec Norway XMLTV
- Rytec Osn/Jsc XMLTV
- Rytec Poland XMLTV
- Rytec Portugal XMLTV
- Rytec Romania XMLTV
- Rytec Serbia/Croatia/Montenegro XMLTV
- Rytec Slovack/Czech XMLTV
- Rytec Slovenia XMLTV
- Rytec Spain XMLTV
- Rytec Sweden XMLTV
- Rytec Turkey XMLTV
- Rytec UK XMLTV
- Rytec West-Africa/Csat Horizons XMLTV
- Za/Multichoice/Dstv/Osn XMLTV
Sources credits:
- Sandro Cavazzoni aka skaman (main developer)
- Ambrosa (scripts developer)
- Sergiotas (mhw2epgdownloader author)
- u Killer Bestia (server side application maintainer)
- Spaeleus (italian translations)
- Bodyan (ukrainian translations)
- Kosmacz (polish translations)
- Ku4a (russian translations)
About CrossEPG ENIGMA2 patch v2
- Rytec (xmltv providers for many countries)
- Krkadoni (xmltv provider for Ex Yugoslavia)
- Bodyan and dillinger (xmltv provider for ex USSR channels)
- Devilcosta (xmltv provider for nova channels in greek and english)
- The patch add an API crossepgImportEPG(string dbroot) visible on python side.
- The fix on sectionRead is the same used from oudeis patch and i think is deeply tested.
- I used oudeis patch as an example to make my patch working... so to oudeis his credits
pobrałem plik unpack file ,rename file rytecxmltvpoland to tvguide.xml
open TV-Server Configuration -> plugins -> XmTV -> import

Crossepg - Rytec graber EPG for MediaPortal
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