[Music] Adding Composer to the Music DB (1 Viewer)


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  • January 27, 2005
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    FWIW, many other media solutions have similar weaknesses. As a classical music fan, I am particularly anxious to have composer tags.
    Indeed. I am still quite amazed that there is not a widely used sortby field in the ID3 spec.

    Meanwhile, I have settled on the following compromise:
    I have tagged pop music "Firstname Lastname", so "Phil Collins" is filed under "P", not under "C". My main reason for doing this is that most pre-tagged MP3s and most entries in CMDB are tagged this way. With nearly 30k tracks in my collection, anything else would be a tremendous amount of work.
    The classical pieces are mostly tagged "Lastname, Firstname", so "Beethoven, Ludwig van" gets filed under "B".
    I make exceptions only in the "Album Artist" (BAND) tag for albums by various composers, but a single performer, e.g., Anna Netrebko's "Russian Album".
    Adding the composer field for me is not so much about the actual composer field but more having a further field which I don't use for anything else.

    I don't have much classical music so I tend to have the following
    Artist Phil Collins
    Album Artist Phil Collins
    Composer Collins, Phil

    I started off by using Tag & Rename to copy across the Album artist field to the composer field. I have then over time fixed things like this. (most album artist tags tend to be the ones I want to sort by anyway and it is only individual's names or bands starting with The which cause and issue (although MP sorts out The)) I just then create a view with something like
    Selection Operator ViewAs SortBy
    Composer Group Big Icons Composer
    Album Artist Icons Composer
    Album Filmstrip Date


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
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    Switzerland Switzerland
    Composer View? How?

    I just then create a view with something like
    Selection Operator ViewAs SortBy
    Composer Group Big Icons Composer
    Album Artist Icons Composer
    Album Filmstrip Date

    From this description it sounds as though I should be able to add a "Composer" view to MP myself.
    However, I haven't found "Composer" in MP Configuration's "Music Views" list of available fields either for "Selection" or for "SortBy". I also haven't found a way to add "Composer" in MP Configuration's "Music Sort" panel. Furthermore, looking at "MusicDatabaseV10.db3" using "SQLite Database Browser" I don't see any tables containing composer information in the DB at all.
    What am I missing here?


    Documentation Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • April 15, 2007
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I just read in another thread that 1.0.1 is already in feature freeze. If we're lucky, this is already in there.


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    Hi Helmut!

    Any chance to get the "composer tag" in

    Best regards


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