Adding Internal IR receiver (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 4, 2010
Home Country
Ireland Ireland

I am looking to add an internal IR receiver (probably Streacom) to an Silverstone ML03B case. What I am wondering about is the aesthetics of mounting it at the front of a chassis.
Has anyone fitted one of these to a chassis not originally designed for IR?
How big a hole do I need to make?
Do I need some sort of covering for the hole (IR filter)?
Any thoughts on doing it such a way as to not look unsightly afterwards?

If anyone has done this sort of mod could they post some pics maybe..




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    The hole should be the same size as the IR sensor diode
    You don't need to cover the hole but you can use some clear plastic
    An IR Filter filters out IR, so an IR filter as a covering would completely block the IR signal

    I thought about modding my case to add an internal IR receiver, but decided against it as generally the HTPC case is fairly close to the ground, so it's in a poor position to aim at. External IR receiver can be positioned just below the TV.
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    Portal Member
    November 4, 2010
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    Ireland Ireland
    What I meant by IR Filter was an IR Pass Filter to block other types of light (The dark red plastic that is used to cover IR receivers in every device I have seen with IR)
    The main reason for the internal IR is the ability to power on via remote. The streacom IR Receiver seems to be the best option for what I want to do but I want a bigger case than they offer.
    I can't find a reasonably priced aesthetically pleasing mATX case with decent IR built in hence trying to add one to a case I like. The only cases I have seen which might remotely have done the job is the MS-Tech MC-1200 (Powercool HTPC-006 / Techsolo TC-2200) or the X-Case Q4, I reckon they are all made by the same manufacturer and the actual remote controllers are terrible, so I would still need to replace them anyway. Also these cases either come with built in mATX PSU's which aren't great or from resellers who only sell their own brand mATX PSU's. I live in Ireland so I need to source it all from one place or the shipping costs are astronomical hence the Silverstone ML03B and the Streacom IR receiver.

    I was just hoping to find a way to fit the IR receiver so it looks like it was meant to be there no like I just drilled a hole in the front of the case and glued it behind the hole.


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  • June 10, 2008
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    Most HTPCs use S3 Sleep, external IR receiver can power on this state no problem. Just letting you know that you can go either route.

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