There is thread about aiw in this link.
I will post my graph on that thread. Graph can display live tv. It has one problem tho ... no sound.
I have one graph that save something to disk also (capture) only prob with that is that i have not found any software which can read the file.
Great to have someone looking for this issue ...
OB2 Let me know when you need debugging help. I have AIW 9000 pro.
There is thread about aiw in this link.
I will post my graph on that thread. Graph can display live tv. It has one problem tho ... no sound.
I have one graph that save something to disk also (capture) only prob with that is that i have not found any software which can read the file.
Great to have someone looking for this issue ...
OB2 Let me know when you need debugging help. I have AIW 9000 pro.