Anyone using AMD Zacate with MP? (1 Viewer)

glenn 1990

Portal Pro
July 1, 2010
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Belgium Belgium
I've a bad experience with this CPU.
For some reason I can't get HD out of it, and my older ion 330 can.

Yes this sounds like an issue with your configuration or a something being defective (which I doubt)... it's more than likely an issue with your codec setup. This GPU/CPU was designed for it so it should have absolutely no problem handling it.

Are you running windows 7 or vista, these operating systems needs more gpu power than xp.
I tried almost all available codec's (with dxva enabled ofcource), the cpu usage is low so dxva is really working.

Maybe I've a Zacate that just passed the AMD test.:(


Portal Member
March 28, 2009
I had some issues at first with mine and 1.13, but I found out that the best thing to do is uninstall all codecs and then install the shark codec pack. You can also just do a base install of FFDSHOW but you're really going to want MPC h264 codec that comes with the shark codec package. There might be a bug in enabling DXVA in FFDSHOW. Whenever I enable it seemed to cause havoc with other DXVA codecs (might just be my system), anyway you may have to play with that setting if you want to use FFDSHOW DXVA. I advise you to use the MPC h264 codec as it doesn't seem to have any conflicts with DXVA being enabled.

I've tested with Windows 7 64 bit and XP 32 bit and things run slightly smoother in XP. I haven't found a single antivirus/firewall solution yet that hasn't taxed the cpu too much while recording and watching at the same time (in either OS and that includes comodo and kaspersky so if you have to have av you might want to disable it when watching even if you've excluded scanning of the timeshift and recording folders) . Average cpu usage while watching 1080p live TV h264 is about 35%. Recording while watching will hit between 50-80%.

Mpeg2 is actually a little trickier in XP, but not in Windows 7 (just use the windows 7 mce codec--you can probably use the mce h264 codec as well, I got good results with it). DXVA doesn't seem to kick in with some mpeg2 codecs no matter what I did to the registry. I did happen to find that Arcsoft's Total Media Theatre 2 didn't have any issues, yet cyberlink's 10 or 11 would almost always either max out the cpu or come in at high 80's when watching live from an ATSC tuner. The bigger the stream the higher the cpu usuage.

Anyway, I hope this helps you or anyone else with a zacate. Also, I'm sure an SSD would probably help as others have advised. I just wish I could justify the expense. I currently run two samsung 5400 rpm drives I have my OS and timeshift folder on one and the recording folder on the other. I tried having them on a single drive with separate partitions but the cpu usage was much higher than I posted above so I'm certain an SSD would improve performance.


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  • July 16, 2009
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    Re: AW: Anyone using AMD Zacate with MP?

    @ velis:
    I made the tweak for the Vector Adaptive DeInterlacing with DXVAChecker as CCC did not present this option to me.

    Can you please let me in on this?
    I can't seem to find any guide on doing this.
    Just bought a Zacate for my uncle and doing tests on it...

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