I do not want to get rid of the Genre folders that I use, just incase I ever add a MediaGate/etc box to my network again, which are mainly text-navigational based.
Since your script already uses the MovingPictures database to pull the right information to create the NFO files, I figured it would be much easier to adjust it to do the folder structure shuffle, then adjusting the folder script you mention to work with the database. Ideally it would alter the MovingPictures database as well to reflect the new location, so that a full re-import is not needed (mainly to retain the watched-flag).
Not my script, belongs to jmcentre. Actually in moving pictures issues tracker, there is a suggestion to allow moving pictures to rename folders/filenames, so perhaps that feature will be integrated into moving pictures in the future. If you wanted it to rename using genres folders as well, the potential issue would be that most movies have more than one genre assigned to them.