Appending an "HD" sticker/tag in MP (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 7, 2009
When I scroll through the list of movies I want to see which ones are HD and which are not...

Is there any way I can configure Moving Pictures to do this in MP?

(And as a side note, a very noob question: How can I find out what each key does? (like how to stop playback, enable/disable subtitles) (I don't use a remote))


Portal Member
July 24, 2008
When I scroll through the list of movies I want to see which ones are HD and which are not...

Is there any way I can configure Moving Pictures to do this in MP?

Not yet, this functionality is coming up in a
future release
(And as a side note, a very noob question: How can I find out what each key does? (like how to stop playback, enable/disable subtitles) (I don't use a remote))

:) or here


Portal Member
February 7, 2009
When I scroll through the list of movies I want to see which ones are HD and which are not...

Is there any way I can configure Moving Pictures to do this in MP?

Not yet, this functionality is coming up in a
future release
(And as a side note, a very noob question: How can I find out what each key does? (like how to stop playback, enable/disable subtitles) (I don't use a remote))

:) or here

Looking forward to it,

And thanks for the quick help! :D


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  • September 3, 2006
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    Norway Norway
    If you really want this asap you could manually add (HD) at the end of the listing name of the movie, I've done something similar, (BR) on my BluRay titles. But it's alot of work to do it on all of the movies :)


    Portal Member
    February 7, 2009
    If you really want this asap you could manually add (HD) at the end of the listing name of the movie, I've done something similar, (BR) on my BluRay titles. But it's alot of work to do it on all of the movies :)

    Haha yeah, but that'd take WAY too long..... Especially with the amount I have... >_<

    You're nuts lol:eek::eek:

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