ASUS tv-card? (1 Viewer)


New Member
February 3, 2006
Mediaportal doesn't seem to find my tv-card(ASUS TV-FM 7133). I've installed the drivers and it works perfect in InterVideo Home Theater, but i think it's a crappy program and i'd like to try something else. Anyone who has any suggestions on the solution?


Portal Pro
July 2, 2005
Edmonton, AB
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Canada Canada
I couldn't find a lot of information about it on the net, but I'm assuming that it's a Software based encoder card, which MP does not support. Sorry.


New Member
February 3, 2006
Khris said:
I couldn't find a lot of information about it on the net, but I'm assuming that it's a Software based encoder card, which MP does not support. Sorry.
I believe it is...

Too bad since Mediaportal seems to be a good program.

Thanx anyway


Portal Pro
July 2, 2005
Edmonton, AB
Home Country
Canada Canada
I'd really suggest getting a HW encoder card so you can see the full potential of Media Portal. Most people don't really understand the difference in "TV Experience" using a HW card as opposed to a SW card.

Hauppauge cards are really good, and the PVR150 is a good starter. If you can afford it, the PVR500 Dual Tuner is the best bet so that you can watch and record at the same time.

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi Khris

    This must be Country specific as living in the UK we have one of if not the best digital terrestial services available, which Hauppage HWcards do not support.
    Much rather have 2 DVB-T cards any day
    No critisism just a fact that it really does MATTER where you live as to what TV service you get, and after seeing FREESAT with 200 plus shopping channels need i say more

    Happy Hunting :lol:

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