ATI Theatre 550 pro PAL TV display cropped (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 16, 2005
Gidday everyone. I have a TUL (Powercolor) ATI Theatre 500 Pro tv tuner which suffers a strange problem when tuning New Zealand FTA channels. Once all tv stations are tuned in, the bottom part of the TV signal is cropped. I have suffered this problem in both MP 0.2 RC1 and RC2. I also know of someone else with the same card having exactly the same issues (completely different other hardware bits so assuming it has to be the TV card).

I was wondering if this was something to do with the MP driver for the ATI 550 (uses a Sapphire driver) not interpreting a PAL signal correctly, and only displaying the NTSC number of lines? The tv image is definately stretched vertically as well as being cropped. This cropping occurs in the preview window, and during the tuning setup.

Is there any way for me to alter the driver file to fix this? Any other suggestions?


Portal Pro
September 4, 2005
Try entering mp setup, my tv, channels

Then, for each channel you have to set it to pal manually, as it will show up as NTSC. Cumbersome, but thats how it works.



Portal Member
November 16, 2005
knutinh said:
Try entering mp setup, my tv, channels

Then, for each channel you have to set it to pal manually, as it will show up as NTSC. Cumbersome, but thats how it works.


Hi Knut. Thanks for that. I eventually found the help pages for my card after much messing about. Is all good now. Shame the global region and format settings don't apply to the channel lists as well...

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