Audio in left channel only (1 Viewer)


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  • January 18, 2014
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    I had this problem in MP1, and could never solve it, which prompted me to switch to MP2, in which, blessedly, I did not have the problem, until now. Apparently, there is some incompatibility between MP and the Nahimic dsp drivers that are an extension of the interface that comes with my (deluxe, expensive, and great-sounding) EVGA NuAudio card, because the problem did not appear until, today, I reloaded the EVGA drivers and software with the Nahimic option included (I had excluded it before). I was trying to see if this would fix my PiP audio problem (separate thread). Instead, it created a much bigger problem. LAV status indicator shows audio in both channels, but the NU Audio interface shows only the left channel. I tried uninstalling Nahimic and all EVGA drivers and software, and then reinstalling. Then I tried reinstalling MP2.4.1. Nothing solved the problem.

    Really don’t know what to do. No audio problems with any other application. If I can’t solve this, MP is of no use to me, obviously. Which would be a shame, after the amount of work I’ve put into it.

    I’m way out of my depth, but I’m wondering if there’s a registry edit that has to happen? Or is there a way to skip the LAV business altogether and feed MP2 audio direct to my sound card?

    Attached is a log file. It should show just tuning a channel, and then stopping. I am confirming that LAV shows audio in both channels while EVGA software shows only in left. Hoping someone can help.



    Lead Design MP2
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  • January 11, 2014
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    Or is there a way to skip the LAV business altogether and feed MP2 audio direct to my sound card?
    Did you check the player settings? You can select other output devices as LAV there. Otherwise I’d try to uninstall LAV as well before reinstalling MP2.
    Apart from that it will be hard to help here from the description I fear.


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  • January 18, 2014
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    Did you check the player settings?
    Thanks, but not sure what you mean by this. Which settings, where? In LAV interface?
    Edit: Oh I see what you mean. Trying that now.
    Further edit: Ok, I've tried all possible settings in Player, under Audio Renderer and under Audio Codecs, Under Video Codecs I have selected to prefer 6-channel sources. I have not messed with the splitter, because I'm not sure what it does. My choices are in image attached. I do not have the problem if I play an audio cd through MP (had never done that until just now), so it's just in TV that I have the problem.

    To be clear: I did not reinstall Nahimic extension when I reinstalled EVGA NuAudio software. Although Nahimic .dll files seem to be necessary for the software to work (I tried to delete them all after searching C drive, but the EVGA software would not load without). However, Windows does not now list Nahimic as a separate app, as it did before the reinstall.

    Should I try the different splitter settings? There must be a fix for this. I suppose I can try uninstalling LAV, as suggested, but as I recall, I tried that once before, when I had the same problem with MP1, and I couldn't get TV to work at all without LAV.

    Other suggestions? Should I be doing anything under "Demuxer Settings" in LAV Splitter Configuration interface?



    • Splitter settings.docx
      321.2 KB
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    MP Donator
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  • January 18, 2014
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    Further on this: If I tune a channel with "Preview" in TV Server Configuration, I do not have the problem (normal stereo audio). It's only if I view normally that I have only left channel audio. This is as it was in MP1.
    One question: Will MP2 work without LAV filters?
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    Lead Design MP2
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  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    hould I try the different splitter settings? There must be a fix for this. I suppose I can try uninstalling LAV, as suggested, but as I recall, I tried that once before, when I had the same problem with MP1, and I couldn't get TV to work at all without LAV.
    I'm not sure, but I'd just try different splitters. Because your hardware is not known to me, I do not know how and if the other splitters may work. I think there is just one way: Google (I could not find many infos / problem reports with your audio device) and trying around in MP2 settings (different audio device and splitter) and LAV audio decocer and splitter settings while LAV is selected everywhere in MP2.
    Uninstalling LAV was ment, because reinstalling MP2 will automatically install the "correct" LAV package again. Sometimes another software installs different versions of LAV causing trouble. There are als

    One question: Will MP2 work without LAV filters?
    Theoretically yes, but I believe almost all users use LAV and if I rember correctly online videos needs it for example.


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  • January 18, 2014
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    Ok: So I uninstalled LAV filters, then uninstalled MP 2.4.1, and then reinstalled MP 2.4.1. I expected to be prompted as to whether I wanted to install LAV with the reinstall of MP2, but I was not, and the reinstall of MP2 did not include LAV, so now I do not have it.

    I have normal stereo audio now in MP2 32-bit, but not in 64-bit. In 64-bit, I have audio in left channel only, and no picture.

    PiP is not working, however, in 32-bit; sometimes the second channel tunes and sometimes not. When it does, it usually freezes. And I have no audio for the second picture, as before.

    Is LAV necessary for PiP, then? And is it necessary for video in MP2 64-bit?

    Edit: Can someone tell me: Is LAV supposed to come, automatically, with MP 2.4.1? I see that in this link LAV is not listed as compatible with MP 2.4: LAV Filters
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    Lead Design MP2
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  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    Is LAV necessary for PiP, then? And is it necessary for video in MP2 64-bit?
    PiP has nothing to do with LAV directly. I believe MP2 can work without it, of working splitters and devices are selected.
    @morpheus_xx might be able to tell more and why you have issues with the x64 version of MP2 in terms of audio, but not with the x86 version.

    Edit: Can someone tell me: Is LAV supposed to come, automatically, with MP 2.4.1? I see that in this link LAV is not listed as compatible with MP 2.4: LAV Filters
    LAV is part of the installer and you are not prompted for it. The link page is unknown by me and maintained by a MP1 developer. It seems incorrect and not uptodate. All MP2 related infos are in WIKI and LAV is listed.


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  • January 18, 2014
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    Ok, thanks. But as I said (and as you suggested), I uninstalled LAV before reinstalling MP 2.4.1, and now I don't have LAV (not listed as an option in any of my Players settings, for example, and lot listed as a windows app, as it was before). Should I download directly from the above link?


    Lead Design MP2
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  • January 11, 2014
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    Germany Germany
    Ok, thanks. But as I said (and as you suggested), I uninstalled LAV before reinstalling MP 2.4.1, and now I don't have LAV (not listed as an option in any of my Players settings, for example, and lot listed as a windows app, as it was before). Should I download directly from the above link?
    That is very strange. Yes, install it from the link, this package is also part of the installer.


    MP Donator
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  • January 18, 2014
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    Ok, I installed LAV filters, and switched settings in Players to LAV settings. No change: Audio in left channel only in MP2 x64; normal audio in MP2 32-bit. Only difference is that video is more stable in PiP mode (in 32-bit), but still no way to access audio of second channel in PiP mode. So PiP useless, as is MP2 64-bit.

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