[Approved] Auto create Video thumbs (1 Viewer)


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  • April 4, 2006
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    Germany Germany
    Couple of notes after this was implemented:
    1. if thumb doesn't exist and file is image file (.iso) what happens? Now it seems that mtn is running in background constantly
    I have disabled the generation for image files. This is a general and AFAIK known problem. The generation fails also for all H264 ts files.

    2. thumb creation ongoing while playing video -> low spec htpc and video will stutter as mtn can take almost all all cpu cycles

    Should these take into account?
    The only possibility would be to stop the generation during playback, as the generation already runs in a separated thread with lowest priority and also mtn is started with lower priority.



    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • January 27, 2006
    Also I want to add that it is an option, after all. So if the performance impact is too much you can disable it in configuration.

    EDIT: about the .iso file. I'm not sure if there could be a problem with the fallback mechanism(asking explorer for a thumb) since I've never seen a video file with a .iso extension can't test.

    2nd EDIT: Well I created an .iso image with an avi inside and configured MP to automount with daemon tools. When entering My Videos the iso file shows up as a folder so there's not even an attempt to create a thumb. Now when "entering" the .iso mtn will try to get a thumb for the avi insie but since it can't write the temp file it won't do anything and then the explorer way will kick in and correctly create a thumb.

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