Automatically start/stop your Yamaha AVR with Mediaportal (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
August 25, 2009
Home Country
Austria Austria
Hi guys,

I recently bought a Yamaha RX-V473 A/V-Receiver and was looking for a way to start and stop the Yamaha together with my HTPC.

So I wrote a script that runs on my HTPC each time I enter the home screen to start my Yamaha. When I have time I also want to shut down the Yamaha if I send my HTPC in standby or shut it off.
Therefore I don't need to turn the AV On or Off manually :)

At first I though the feature called "Network Standby" was a WOL functionality but was disappointed after I found out that it wasn't. However after some research I found much better options to handle the Yamaha involving the "Network Standby" functionality.
The Yamaha offers a SOAP API which whom you can control the device, like turning it on, off, adjust volume etc. I assume the smartphone application uses the same API.

As almost all Yamaha's have the same web interface I assume that this works for almost all network enabled Yamaha Receivers at least of 2012 or even all Receivers which also support the AV CONTROLLER app:
- RX-A3020, RX-A2020, RX-A1020, RX-A820, RX-A720
- RX-A3010, RX-A2010, RX-A1010, RX-A810, RX-A710
- RX-A3000, RX-A2000, RX-A1000
- RX-V3073, RX-V2073, RX-V1073, RX-V773, RX-V673, RX-V573, RX-V473
- RX-V3071, RX-V2071, RX-V1071, RX-V871, RX-V771, RX-V671
- RX-V3067, RX-V2067, RX-V1067, RX-V867
- RX-V2065, RX-V3900, DSP-AX3900, RX-Z7, DSP-Z7
- HTR-7065, HTR-6065, HTR-5065, HTR-4065
- HTR-6064
- HTR-9063, HTR-8063, HTR-6295

I have attached the scripts that I use for starting and stopping the Yamaha. I wrote it in Powershell and call it with a Batch file out of the WOL-PowerManager Plugin.

I though you might like it and wanted to share it here.
The attachement contains:
  • README.txt
  • yamaha_start.bat
  • yamaha_stop.bat
  • yamaha_start_stop.ps1
You must edit the two Batch files for it to work (set IP and path)


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Portal Pro
August 25, 2009
Home Country
Austria Austria
Would be nice to hear if it also works for you and what model you have!


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Got a Yamaha RX-V673... sadly little fiddlingtime atm (and lots of things on hold - like a SSD that I purchaced almost a month ago!), butI hope to find time to give this a swing in not to long.

    Would be nice to start collecting API documentation found - as I guess it is not open...?

    Found this:ärker-per-LAN-Netzwerk-steuern (via other site). Check the Excel-file.... (Had to use google translate myself)


    Portal Pro
    August 25, 2009
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    Would be nice to start collecting API documentation found - as I guess it is not open...?

    Found this:ärker-per-LAN-Netzwerk-steuern (via other site). Check the Excel-file.... (Had to use google translate myself)
    I haven't found a complete API documentation yet. I found some bits and pieces on the internet and was watching the communication between the webinterface and the AVR.
    I found a similar Excel Sheet for the RX-V3900 which I have. I think I got it from here:,10986.0.html

    Right now I have mapped the Vol+ and Vol- codes to my MCE Remote and with the script MePo starts and turns off the Receiver. Enough functionality for me so far as other things like "Mute" are handled at the HTPC and I don't need the AVR do to that :)

    Maybe the script could be extented to do following actions on startup:
    1. Turn on AVR
    2. Switch to the right HDMI Output
    3. Set Volume to a default Value


    Portal Pro
    December 6, 2010
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    you should try Eventghost and the great EvenGhostPlus Plugin in Mediaportal.
    For controlling a Yamaha via Network/ API there seems to be a script already for eventghost:

    I control my RX-V1600 via serial using EventGhost. It's a pleasure; turn the Yamaha on when MePo starts, change automatically to THX when viewing a movie or TV, change automatically to PLII Music when listening radio or mp3. I can change to another soundprogramm by using MyMenu... :))


    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • October 6, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Hi there,

    I have a RX-V671 Amp and it doesnt play nicely with my Samsumg TV when using CEC. :(

    I'm not after full CEC integration (where you can use a single remote to control both), all I wanted to be able to do is turn on/off my TV/Amp when the HTPC wakes up/returns from sleep or enters standby/awaymode. The problem I had was the Amp would not utilise HDMI audio when turning it on (even if I specify a port via CEC).

    So what I have done now is to use CEC to turn on/off my TV, and then write a script that turns on/off my amp via the network - Works a treat now :D

    I have a Harmony remote to control my HTPC and Amp volume.

    The script is written in VBS.



    New Member
    April 15, 2013
    Livonia, Michigan
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    I'm not a MediaPortal user... I just found this thread through google searching.

    I just bought a Yamaha RX-V673 and I have zone-2 hooked up to ceiling speakers throughout my house. I was trying to figure out how to have the radio play automatically every morning while I get ready for work... and then turn off automatically as well.

    Big thanks to Terra for posting his scripts... I wasn't familiar with the PowerShell or SOAP, but it all works perfectly for me when I have the scripts executed through the Windows Task Scheduler on my Windows 8 PC

    Through previous searches, I found Yamaha specs (see attached) which may be useful to others (HTR-7065, RX-A1020, RX-A2020, RX-A3020, RX-A720, RX-A820, RXV673, RX-V773 owners)
    (Check the following directory: "Spec_USA/YNC/Doc/YNC_Cmd_Samples/")
    These are the xml strings which can be called through Terra's scripts.

    One note on Terra's files:
    The last line in the *.bat files looks to have a typo:
    "powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricteds"
    I believe this should be:
    "powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted"

    Thanks again Terra, I was stumbling on this for a while until I found your scripts!


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