It really looks great (usable+beautiful layouts). The only thing (except from not being able to use this pretty skin right away) I don't like 100% is the HOME, [MOVIE LIBRARY], etc labels at the top left. It would be awesome if there could be an on/off toggle in the skin settings. Or perhaps put some transparency on them?
The menu in basichome will automatically fade if a user is idle for five seconds. And then only the backdrop, time (and if media is played the now playing overlay) is shown. Turns the basichome into a screensaver
While looking at this screen:
I got reminded about something. Maybe I have mentioned it before while working with xfactor or clr, if so, sorrry
In my opinion the columns for watched and unwatched numbers are not descriptive enough. Sure you and I know what it means, but the open and closed eye of Streamemp is more clear. Even column heading can perhaps make it descriptive for the noob users.
Just my opinion, with or without it, I will use it as soon as I can