... maybe I just overlooked it, but how do I get rid of that horrible candyshop background on basic home ?
I can change to the blue background in the titan skin settings but how do I then modify via "extended" ?
is planned for the next version to include the option "latest media" for mvcentral?
in latestmedia plugin is implemented
no idea whether it has been already mentioned in the 22 contributions
^ I would guess that it latest media for mvcentral will make it into titan because
1. Already have the mvcentral buttons done
2. Popular plugin
3. Supported by latestmediahandler
I Added a new Tile (Spotify) on the basichome and now it is displayed without a TileBackground, in a previous post I found howto add more images (
C:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\skin\Titan\Themes\Extended\Media\BasicHomeImages
) but when i restart the editor I dont have an option to configure an Images for my Spotify Tile.
sorry i´m new at MePo ... but i have one little Question:
How do i Change the Label from my Buttons?? Actually they have the name "Moving Pictures", "MP TV-Series"... and i want to change this Names to others...
But in "BasicHome Menu (Extended Layout)" i can´t input anywhere a new Label (for Modules in Mainmenu)?????
Must i do this in a xml File???
du kannst ändern wie und wo du willst
- schon vorhandene module im rechten fenster markieren -> in der mitte entsprechend ändern -> dann wieder rechts auf "save" -> danach erst unten
- oder links in available modules auswählen -> in der mitte "umbenennen" -> adden to mainmenü -> rechts "save" -> unten "save".
- parameter müssen nicht sein, kannste auch raus nehmen . . . wichtig - save rechts
hoffe habe deine anfrage richtig verstanden