BASS Visualisation fix (2 Viewers)


Development Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 15, 2004
    Vienna, Austria
    Home Country
    Austria Austria
    • Thread starter
    • Moderator
    • #61
    Would it be possible to change the visualisation in a running MP? That would be great because it's always a PITA to stop MP, run configuration and restart MP only to test another visualisation.

    I was thinking about that already.
    I'll check how complicated this would be.


    Would it be possible to change the visualisation in a running MP? That would be great because it's always a PITA to stop MP, run configuration and restart MP only to test another visualisation.

    I was thinking about that already.
    I'll check how complicated this would be.

    use three Key A/S/D for change presets on the fly or Randomize for VisualisationWindow. (used by AVS and Milk2) Winamp
    all that's with one line and three flag.

    BASSVIS_WINAMP_VisButtonClicked(mVisParam, Flag);

    should be simple if you has free three Key's

    or change Plugins(visualisation) with A/D for BassBox, Sonique next or prev plugin
    fullrestart of plugin is required depending on next or prev ListIndex.

    Please do not change winamp plugin with key's that make MP unstable.. (only presets see above).
    BassBox, Sonique has no module so this should not a problem..

    MyTip: give this support only in Fullscreen mode.

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    Hallo Gemeinde .. Ich nochmal.
    Ich habe den gesamten Part vom Sonique Wrapper neu geschrieben,
    weil ich mich darüber geärgert habe das in bestimmten situationen je nach den Einstellungen in der Konfiguration
    Mediaportal sich aufgehangen und nicht mehr bedienbar war.
    Die gesamte Klasse wurde nun auf Threads umgestellt und der Timer rausgeschmissen.
    Nach eingehenden Stresstest meinerseits denke ich das es gut gelungen ist.
    Die meisten Plugins können nun bei volllast eine Framerate von 100 haben
    mit den Einstellungen Render Timing 10ms Viewport = 1024 ohne das sich MP aufhängt oder etwas nicht bedienbar wäre.
    Bei kritischen Plugins sind es immerhin noch gut 30 Frames denke das sollte reichen.
    Schauen sie unter meinen Systeminformationen

    Im Anhang das Archiv!
    Die Daten sind nur funktionstüchtig mit dem Build im ersten Post.

    gruss Emil.
    ---------------------------------------------- Translate with Google Translator ---------------------------
    Hello community .. I again.
    I wrote the entire part of Sonique wrapper new,
    because I was annoyed about that in certain situations, depending on the settings in the configuration
    MediaPortal hung himself and was no longer operable.
    The entire class was now set to thread and the timer kicked out.
    After extensive stress testing on my part I think it's well done.
    Most plugins are now at full load, a frame rate of 100 have
    with the render settings 10ms viewport = 1024 without the MP hangs up or something would not be operable.
    For critical plugins figure is still a good 30 frames think that should be enough.
    Look under my system information

    In the appendix the archive!
    The data are only functional with the build in the first post.

    best quality with OpenGL = ON!

    greeting Emil
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    The same as above, now with bassbox 100 FPS max Rendering in a Thread
    you found any error please tell me.
    so i have a stable version for 1.6 pre released.


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    What your think when use in the next future Cover as Background for Sonique Plugins?
    which faded in from old to new Cover is a Song and path changed

    Hmm i see no interest so i hold the new Version by me. ;)
    implemented for 1.6 Final

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    Test Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • May 10, 2007
    France - IDF
    Home Country
    France France
    Hi, guys visualisation package is not available on MPEi installer, when i refresh the "update info"
    you don't have forget to push to server ?

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