I've read around on these forums alot (including searching ALOT) and found that dual displays are not supported in MP. So, I thought of a way to get around it until the feature is added. I'd have a batch file called MP.bat that would do the following (in order):
If this is executed in a batch file, display 2 will become primary, then MP will get launched. When MP is exited, display 1 will become primary, essentially reverting the system back to its default configuration.
The reason I'm posting this here is I need to know how to execute steps 1 and 3 in a Windows batch file (i.e. MP.bat). Does anyone know how?
I've read around on these forums alot (including searching ALOT) and found that dual displays are not supported in MP. So, I thought of a way to get around it until the feature is added. I'd have a batch file called MP.bat that would do the following (in order):
1. Set display #2 as the primary display
2. Execute Media Portal
3. Set display #1 as the primary display
If this is executed in a batch file, display 2 will become primary, then MP will get launched. When MP is exited, display 1 will become primary, essentially reverting the system back to its default configuration.
The reason I'm posting this here is I need to know how to execute steps 1 and 3 in a Windows batch file (i.e. MP.bat). Does anyone know how?