I hope we soon can use somthing else than (My) Radio for streaming....
Ideally it should be under TV, but I think the developers are happy where it is for the time being.
I hope we soon can use somthing else than (My) Radio for streaming....
...I admire the hard and great work they put in this amazing application!
Channel 4 usually have streaming Big Brother, i think they have been doing that for years now.
Just because a channel is FTA doesn't mean non-UK residents are allowed to watch that channel. the BBC channels are payed for by the license fee. But the other channels are not, they make their money from advertising revenue and selling their programs to other networks around the world (the BBC also do this). However, when they import TV from other countries (US sitcoms for example) they have a license to show that program to the UK on their network. This license would not normally include people from Holland (for example) watching the program online.
This is something the entire TV industry will need to get to grips with in the next few years as TVoIP, both legal and otherwise starts to gain momentum.
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