Beginners Difficulties (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 11, 2009
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United Kingdom United Kingdom

Apologies because I'm going to come across as really daft, but I'm having a lot of difficulty understanding and acting on the instructions for IR Server Suite.

My requirements is pretty straightforward. I have a OneforAll Series 8 URC and want to use it to control MP. I also have an MCE Remote. I think my options are:

1. Train the remote to learn the MP commands direct
2. Enhance the MCE remote support through MPControlPanel to ensure the Green Button, Clear Button etc all work as required, and then teach the Series 8 off this.

But I have to say that after a couple of days of trying I'm stuck. Is there anyone who can help me with a step by step "how to", an idiots guide for an idiot?

Please help, it's the last thing outstanding from my installtion.




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  • February 24, 2008
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    MCE setup is pretty easy.

    Download and install IRServerSuite, Download and copy the mptray files to you MP install directory and run the install .bat file. (There are further steps you can take to stop MCE running -

    MEDIAPORTAL - free media center - MPTray - MPTray
    MCE Replacement Plugin - MediaPortal Forum - IRServerSuite

    Run Input Service Config and make sure MCE boxes are checked.


    Run Translator - Under System wide map green button to mediaportal.exe install path - Click New>Run and Navigate to mediaportal.exe in the install directory.

    Right-click next to System Wide Icon and Add Program. Map the buttons on the remote to the keyboard shortcuts for MP (open MP Config>General>KeyboardShortcuts).

    See screenshot for example of key mappings, follow same as before click New>Keys>'enter key or code from screenshot'

    For pause enter code "{PAUSE=SPACE}" (without the "")
    For back enter code "{PAUSE=ESC}" (without the "")


    This should get you started in the right direction, If you have any probs just post back.



    Portal Member
    April 11, 2009
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    That's awesome and it's certainly progressed things.:D

    Three quick things:

    1. I have an exclamation mark against MediaPortal and it tells me to check the settings, but they are fine and I've tested them (although I don't have a start folder specified). Any ideas?
    2. What keystroke do I need to load the MediaPortal Menu?
    3. What Keystroke do I need to enter for the cursor (ie up and down)?




    MP Donator
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  • February 24, 2008
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    1.) Specify start folder same as install directory (see screenshot)


    2.) Up and Down should function OK without mapping the command in Translator; however if they don't try {UP}, {DOWN}, {LEFT} and {RIGHT}.

    3.) By menu do you mean main home or basichome (where MP starts) If so you get to this by pressing the green button (MCE windows logo button) to get to this, same as starting MP or by pressing the Back (previous window) key until you get there.

    I've attached the keystroke page from the help documentation as a text file for you, it is not easy to find unless you know where it is!


    • Keystrokes.txt
      30.6 KB


    Portal Member
    April 11, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    Thanks for that list, it's just what I need.

    Last two questions (at least for now):

    Is there a keystroke command for getting to the menu? I could not get my MCE Remote sorted to load the menu with the Green Button. I've got it sorted so MP starts with the Menu button though, this si only once you are in MP.

    How do I programme for the red button (iDTV interactive)?

    Cheers though. Helped me out loads.



    MP Donator
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  • February 24, 2008
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    I'll confess I never used the home shortcut, probably because there was no corresponding button on my remote.. So sorry about that

    I've also never played with the red-button services, you can map the services like BBC News Services to channels in your guide, if you check your channel list you will have some channels like STREAM-0, STREAM-1 etc. these I think are BBC red button items, 10510 is actually iTV HD, iTVQuad may be their interactive services but I'm not sure about the sky interactive services.

    There are logos for the channels if like they have some also for the interactive services.


    Portal Member
    April 11, 2009
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    United Kingdom United Kingdom

    This is great, thanks. I'm pretty much done now.

    Last two points are:

    1. Getting the PC to switch off when I press the power button on the remote.
    2. Getting the Picture in Picture (bottom left hand side) to maximise. I know this is done with the red button on the MCE Remote, but is there a keystroke for it as well?

    Let me know.

    Thanks again, your help has been invaluable.



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