BlackGold BGT3620 DVB-T2 card - Where are the HD channels? (4 Viewers)


Portal Member
December 22, 2008
This actually arrived today! (ordered on Sunday). I haven't gotten too far with install, but have a strange problem where my MCE remote doesn't work anymore, and it was fine before installing this card...!


Portal Member
August 22, 2005
No you shouldn't have any pain 3620 works great [I'm using MP1.2 alpha on Windows 7 Pro. The HD channels are far superior. The only issue is a slight one with HD Sound. Currently I believe you must use Divx for HD audio and this decoder does get confused when a HD channel switches it's sound format. You have to stop playback and resume from the point it changed to cure it [unless anyone know a better way]


Portal Pro
October 24, 2006
This actually arrived today! (ordered on Sunday). I haven't gotten too far with install, but have a strange problem where my MCE remote doesn't work anymore, and it was fine before installing this card...!

See post #95 regarding the remote issue. Took me a while to figure it out!

Bucky O'Hare

Portal Member
April 24, 2008
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
It's mostly working now :) I just need to get the EPG data!

XMLTV Plugin in TV Server and Latest Version of XMLTV app is the solution for epg its better than the transmitted DVB-epg

This actually arrived today! (ordered on Sunday). I haven't gotten too far with install, but have a strange problem where my MCE remote doesn't work anymore, and it was fine before installing this card...!

See post #95 regarding the remote issue. Took me a while to figure it out!

Never got this issue with the remote maybe because I got the remote and installed it after I had got the the card setup in MP.

Picture quality is good for the programming that is recorded in HD and the upscaled content is ok if a little soft picture wise. The sound issue is not going to go away for a while unless Freeview change the codec to the next version of Dolby Digital from the AAC LATM/LOAS stream because its currently more bandwidth friendly for the limited bandwidth available for HD on the terrestrial HD mux or until the MP devs get round to making the code changes to allow more codecs like Power DVD 10 Audio to be used for AAC streams with Live TV /Playback of recordings.


Portal Member
December 22, 2008
I can't seem to get my guide to stop corrupting. This is seriously annoying!

Can anyone give any tips for how to set this up?

I have turned off the EPG grabbing on all cards and am running webepg and xmltv, though i can't say whether i am using them properly as the setup is very confusing.

The picture also keeps getting stuck. Audio is ok and carries on, but the picture freezes and I have to skip back a few seconds to make it go again :(

Bucky O'Hare

Portal Member
April 24, 2008
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
What OS and what Codec's ? for video I take it you are using the latest divx for sound.

For xmltv I use an external app rather than Webepg as I could get that to work with the xmltv plugin. The app I use is called TVG v0.5.5.5 you can use it to configure xmltv downloading and it allows you to schedule this as well just have save the output file in the xmltv folder for the tvserver plugin to find, another benefit of this app is you can load the guide data and make sure you have xmltv configured correctly.


Portal Member
December 22, 2008
This is a Vista machine, and i'm unsure of the video codec (i haven't changed it, so it'll be the default one!). I will try and check later. I am thinking the inbuilt graphics may be struggling, but i dont have anything to back that up, it's just a random thought :)


Portal Member
December 22, 2008
The only problem i have no is that MP crashes after a few minds of watching HD channels. I have tried changing the video codec and the best is the divx h264, though this still crashes, but not as quickly at the standard codec.

Has anyone got any ideas for this?


Portal Member
January 6, 2006
Hoddesdon, UK
I have the unlocked SAF5 on MP 1.2A, but have been unable to get smooth HD live TV without resorting to Core AVC Pro v2. On my system (see "My System" for specs) this gives the best live picure. The other codecs (MS codec, PDVD etc) give a slide show effect. Like most I am struggling on with the DIVX AAC codec, as this seems to be the only one that works at the moment.
I did have problems recording from the BGT3620 on the HD channels but this was related to the EPG. I have now been playing with combining channels & using the Sky EPG from my satellite card. This seems to be much better, but I am having problems with Channel 4. This is an encrypted channel on satellite, & the system seems unwilling to display the channel on the terrestrial listing. I need to play with this some more.
Does anyone else have a DVB-T2 tuner go missing after the machine has woken from S3? They both work after a reboot, but one seems to be unavailable when the machine wakes from S3 suspend.


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