I am having the same issue . . . this is the info from my log:
2009-02-03 10:51:27.316000 [Info.][4]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using fast thumbnails
2009-02-03 10:51:32.278000 [Debug][4]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2009-02-03 15:55:45.870000 [Info.][4]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using fast thumbnails
2009-02-03 15:55:51.615000 [Debug][4]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2009-02-06 22:05:45.805600 [Info.][4]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using fast thumbnails
2009-02-06 22:06:00.173200 [Debug][4]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2009-02-07 01:03:29.054000 [Info.][4]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using fast thumbnails
2009-02-07 01:03:38.523200 [Debug][4]: TextureManager: CleanupThumbs()
2009-02-07 13:25:00.872400 [Info.][4]: Thumbs: MediaPortal is using fast thumbnails
2009-02-07 13:25:05.911200 [Info.][4]: Utils: DownLoadImage http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/M...nBnXkFtZTcwMTIwMzMzMQ@@._V1._SX289_SY400_.jpg failed:The operation has timed out
The database, along with MediaPortal, is on another machine. I am running TagThat on another networked machine. Is that part of the problem?
The size of Fonts in the Themes file was specified as 9,75. (The comma as the decimal point sign, which we have in Europe).
In e.g. English / US settings, this results in 975.0 which is definitely a too big font size.
Fixed it and will be published with the next release by the end of today.