I'm a bit confused now. lkuech, could you share your latest compilation as ready-made dll? would like to test that on my own pictures, if possible
Hi lkuech,
sorry to bother you again. I installed the latest SVN and tested
with my photographs. My screen resolution is 1280x1024, the
skin is BlueTwo. I created max-sized (in configuration) thumbnails.
So, when clicking on a picture bigger than screensize, all works fine.
The picture is displayed fit to screen and zoom levels with 1-9 work
fine. Also switching to next picture with my arrow keys is ok.
But: When I click on a picture smaller than screenres it will be
displayed at its original pixel size. Zoomlevels sometimes only
work 1-5 or 1-6 (which of course makes sense, since bigger zoom
levels would result in some huge square pixels; 1=actual pixel
size, 2=fit to screen, 3=1st zoom level). Switching to next picture
only works when in zoom level 1 (actual pixel size).
So I'd have to ask two big favours for a future svn:
- Could you display pictures smaller than actual resolution
fit to screen as default instead of their actual pixel size (or
make it a configurable option); i.e. if image smaller than
screen resolution then defaultzoomlevel=2?
- could you enable switching forward/backward for smaller
than screensize images in zoomlevel 1 (actual pixelsize)
and 2 (fit to screen), since in both views there is no clipping
area ("bildausschnitt") to be moved around by the arrow keys?
I will take a look at it by time... but without promising anything
The problem this this module is that its viewing picture functionality shares a lot of functions with its slideshow functionality. Because of this, changes on the one side may create side effects on the other side.
A much more annoying, at least from my point of view, is the fact that when zooming in from "fit to screen" you always zoom to the upper left corner instead of the center. Your have to move the clipping area to the section you interesed in, which is in the center of the picture much more often than in the corner
Of course this is an effect that only occurs if your images are much bigger than your screen resolution.