Building of MP solution (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 1, 2009
I'm not sure if it's proper place to ask. Correct me if it's not.

I download all necessary staff to build my solution of Moving Pictures in accordance with your Developers Guide. I set up everything according to it and start to build, but it doesn't complited due to 4 errors and 27 warnings. There were few uncertances during installation maybe errors was driven by it.

1. Which version of Media Portal should I download. I choose MP 1.0, but maybe it should be last SVNs? If it's possible, please give me a link for downloading.

2. I'm not sure if I use proper projects to add (due to it's not covered with Dev Guide). For Cornerstone I use Cornerstone from MovPics, Cornerstone.MP - Cornerstone.MP from MovPics, Dialogs - Dialogs from Media Portal..

3. When I add new projects to eliminate exclamation marks, all projects belongs to Media Portal is loaded with warning - "project is created in previous version of ..., need to be converted". No general problems then during conversion.

If you need additional information - I can send.


Community Plugin Dev
June 7, 2007
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You should be fine building off of the 1.0 tag of MediaPortal, you shouldn't need the latest SVN. The projects you listed are correct as well. Can you post a list of errors from the IDE? If it's long maybe stick it on


Portal Pro
February 1, 2009
Error	1	Имя типа или пространства имен "Dialogs" отсутствует в пространстве имен "MediaPortal" (пропущена ссылка на сборку?)	C:\Documents and Settings\mitiok\Мои документы\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\PluginDev\Moving Pictures\Cornerstone.MP\GUIGeneralRating.cs	4	19	Cornerstone.MP
Error	2	Не удалось найти имя типа или пространства имен "GUIDialogWindow" (пропущена директива using или ссылка на сборку?)	C:\Documents and Settings\mitiok\Мои документы\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\PluginDev\Moving Pictures\Cornerstone.MP\GUIGeneralRating.cs	11	37	Cornerstone.MP
Error	3	Не удалось найти файл метаданных "C:\Documents and Settings\mitiok\Мои документы\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\PluginDev\Moving Pictures\Cornerstone.MP\bin\Debug\Cornerstone.MP.dll"	MovingPictures
Error	4	Не удалось найти файл метаданных "C:\Documents and Settings\mitiok\Мои документы\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\PluginDev\Moving Pictures\MovingPictures\bin\Debug\MovingPictures.dll"	MovingPicturesConfigTester
Warrning	5	The referenced project '..\..\MediaPortal\Core\Core.csproj' does not exist.	MovingPictures
Warrning	6	The referenced project '..\..\MediaPortal\Databases\Databases.csproj' does not exist.	MovingPictures
Warrning	7	The referenced project '..\..\MediaPortal\Dialogs\Dialogs.csproj' does not exist.	MovingPictures
Warrning	8	The referenced project '..\..\MediaPortal\DirectShowLib\DirectShowLib.csproj' does not exist.	MovingPictures
Warrning	9	The referenced project '..\..\MediaPortal\Utils\Utils.csproj' does not exist.	MovingPictures
Warrning	10	The referenced project '..\..\..\MediaPortal\Core\Core.csproj' does not exist.	MovingPicturesConfigTester
Warrning	11	The referenced project '..\..\MediaPortal\Dialogs\Dialogs.csproj' does not exist.	Cornerstone.MP

It's in Russian, I'll translate it later if it will be necessary. I think that key point in warrnings : My Project path for MediaPortal is ..\..\MediaPortal\Mediaportal 1.0\etc not ..\..\Mediaportal\etc. When I add projects I took files from that links, but it seems to me it's somethere hardcopy of this paths. Where???

ok. I think I've fix it. I put all MediaPortal files to ..\..\MediaPortal\ folder (cut MediaPortal 1.0). Now I don't have any errors, only one warning - old link for database project from Cornerstone. But, it's ok. No Error. I push to F6 to build. It's fine - build is done... What's next? where is my DLL??? Sorry for stupid question - but I really fresh in Visual C#.


Portal Pro
September 3, 2008
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Netherlands Netherlands
if you build a release it will be in your <projects>...\movingpictures\bin\release folder. If you build a debug replace the release folder for the debug. You will want to merge the dll's (with the included bat file) the result will be a usable dll. just drop that one in your plugin\windows folder.


Portal Pro
February 1, 2009
thanks, I've found it... But the plug-in version 0.8.... and it seems to me it ask something else :(. First of all it's much smaller ~500K instead of 800K, second, when I put it to windows folder - errors appiars if I go to MediaPortal Configuration \ Plugin section. Error : something wrong with Cornerstone...


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    thanks, I've found it... But the plug-in version 0.8.... and it seems to me it ask something else :(. First of all it's much smaller ~500K instead of 800K, second, when I put it to windows folder - errors appiars if I go to MediaPortal Configuration \ Plugin section. Error : something wrong with Cornerstone...

    From the file size it seem to me that you didn't merged the dll's...
    You will want to merge the dll's (with the included bat file) the result will be a usable dll

    BTW i used this guide the first time i compiled MovPics and all went well for me -->DevelopmentEnvironmentMain - moving-pictures - Intro section of instructions to get up a working development environment setup to contribute to Moving Pictures. - Google Code


    Portal Pro
    February 1, 2009
    thanks, I've found it... But the plug-in version 0.8.... and it seems to me it ask something else :(. First of all it's much smaller ~500K instead of 800K, second, when I put it to windows folder - errors appiars if I go to MediaPortal Configuration \ Plugin section. Error : something wrong with Cornerstone...

    From the file size it seem to me that you didn't merged the dll's...
    You will want to merge the dll's (with the included bat file) the result will be a usable dll

    BTW i used this guide the first time i compiled MovPics and all went well for me -->DevelopmentEnvironmentMain - moving-pictures - Intro section of instructions to get up a working development environment setup to contribute to Moving Pictures. - Google Code
    You are right! Thank you all!

    Ok. Now I'll play with Russain alphabet. Thank you all again.

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