Bumfuzzled Newbie (1 Viewer)


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September 30, 2012
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Just installed MediaPortal. One of those dummies paying for satellite TV cause I live in boonies. Anyway, trying to setup MP to receive Dish which outputs on analog channel 73. The MP scans only go to 69. Whas a mother to do? Same problem with Win Media Center. How can a problem this common be so difficult or does it just seem difficult cause I don't know which ends up?

Win 7, 32 Bit, AverMedia Volar Max, trying to configure MP to recognize channel 73 analog. Thanks.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hello wefromo

    MP and WMC use the same channel table behind the scenes, so that is why the limit is the same.

    So, are you going to attempt to configure a blaster or use some other program to enable you to control the Dish set top box with MediaPortal?
    Alternatively, do you just want to get the feed in and continue to change channels on the set top box?

    The reason I ask is that there are a couple of ways to work around the problem.

    The simplest option that will allow you to confirm that it is possible to receive from the STB is to create a single channel manually as follows:
    1. Open TV Server configuration.
    2. Go to the "TV Channels" section.
    3. Click "add".
    4. Enter a name for the channel up the top.
    5. Click "add".
    6. Select "analog".
    7. Enter [from top to bottom]: 73, <frequency of channel 73 = 824 or 825.25... not 100% sure, check here>, cable, United States of America, unticked, tuner, tuner/automatic.
    8. Click OK.
    9. Click OK.
    10. Go to the "TV mapping" subsection under "TV Channels".
    11. Select your tuner up the top.
    12. Find the channel on the left and then click ">>".

    At this point you should be able to preview the channel to see if it works.

    Let me know if you get stuck - I'm here to help. :)



    New Member
    September 30, 2012
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    Hey there helpful fellow. I'm so appreciative of your response. It's way past this old man's bedtime here near Hannibal, Mo (Mississippi river and Mark Twain Country) and I'm now headed for the sack since clear thinking has left me, but thank you for the response and I promise to report soon. In fact clear thinking and few other unmentionables probably left me a few years ago. I'll try it in the morn. Have a lovely evening. Thanks again.


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    September 30, 2012
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    Well, I did everything as you suggested but still no feed. It may have to do with the hybrid card. I also performed the combining defined in Wiki tv setup instructions for hybrids but not sure if everything is correct. When I do the last operation of your instructions of selecting my card, it list both the BDA tuner and analog tuner. The new channel 73 I created only shows up on the analog tuner which I suppose is correct. The frequency I used for the new channel was 825.25.


    New Member
    September 30, 2012
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    I tried changing the freq to 824 but didn't help. When I try to preview the new channel 73 I get the message, "preview failed: SWEncoder missing"


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  • September 1, 2008
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    I tried changing the freq to 824 but didn't help. When I try to preview the new channel 73 I get the message, "preview failed: SWEncoder missing"
    Right, okay.

    Analog tuners require encoders to convert the analog signal into a digital stream - a format that the computer can understand and manipulate. Some tuners have dedicated chips ("hardware") to do this job. Others don't - they require certain software to be installed in order for MP (and other software) to be able to operate the tuner. Your tuner is in the second category. It requires "software encoders" to be installed. Hence the message.

    In practical terms that all means that although your tuner can tune, MP can't actually receive the video or audio at the moment.

    Here is some background:

    I think your best shot to get your tuner working is to follow the instructions here:
    Last edited:


    New Member
    September 30, 2012
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    United States of America United States of America
    Thank you. I have reviewed most of the info you suggest. Not sure I'm computer savvy enough to figure this all out but will give it a try. Will it work if I simply download the ATI codec, and install them in the MP program folder? Sorry to be pain in the butt.


    Portal Pro
    July 27, 2005
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    Just installed MediaPortal. One of those dummies paying for satellite TV cause I live in boonies. Anyway, trying to setup MP to receive Dish which outputs on analog channel 73. The MP scans only go to 69. Whas a mother to do? Same problem with Win Media Center. How can a problem this common be so difficult or does it just seem difficult cause I don't know which ends up?

    Win 7, 32 Bit, AverMedia Volar Max, trying to configure MP to recognize channel 73 analog. Thanks.

    Let me ask you something, are you trying to get your dish out via coax into your card? I know that dish receivers have a wide range to output the signal to a tv via the coax.
    If this is the case then you can change the output channel on your dish receiver. Menu>system setup>installation>modulator setup.
    If this is not your problem, well then just disregard the above:cool:


    New Member
    September 30, 2012
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    Thank you for trying to help me. Yes, I am trying to output Dish on coax to card. And yes, I tried your suggestion to begin with. Yes, you can change the output channel on the Dish receiver but you cannot change it to any channel below 73 which just puts us back to square one. The thing I don't understand is, if the tv and VCR tuners are capable of receiving channels up to 125 or so, why can't these tuner cards, PVR software etc. do the same? I have tried installing additional codecs, this that and the other but still no luck with MP. Anyway, thanks for your suggestion. Will keep trying.[DOUBLEPOST=1349499221][/DOUBLEPOST]I might add that I can get Win Media Center to work by running the coax thru a VCR, tuning the VCR to channel 73 while the VCR outputs by default on channel 3. But I can't get MP to work even by doing that. I know I'm probably missing something simple here but so far have not been able to figure it out.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    The thing I don't understand is, if the tv and VCR tuners are capable of receiving channels up to 125 or so, why can't these tuner cards, PVR software etc. do the same?
    They can!
    I want to emphasize: the "SWEncoder missing" message does *not* mean that channel 73 cannot be tuned successfully.

    As far as I've understood, tuning is not where the problem lies for you at the moment. You need a software encoder to make your tuner work in MP. It wouldn't matter what channel number the STB could translate to - if you don't have compatible software encoders installed, your tuner flat out won't work in MP. Period.

    Unfortunately getting software encoders that are compatible with MP and your tuner installed can be a headache. And even when you do get them installed, they may not prove reliable. This is why we don't officially support tuners like yours. But we try and help regardless. :)

    I have tried installing additional codecs, this that and the other but still no luck with MP.
    Typically people use the term "codec" to describe decoders. What you need is the opposite - encoders. Codec packs won't help.

    Anyway, thanks for your suggestion. Will keep trying.
    If you want a quick and dirty (but short term) solution, download and install the trial of Intervideo WinDVR 3. That software contains encoders which are compatible with many tuners and with MP. Unfortunately you can't buy the software anymore, so when the trial runs out I think the encoders will stop working. However, if you want to prove that the tuner can receive channel 73 and above then that would be one way to do it.

    There are other software packages that are mentioned in the other thread that I pointed you to: AMD Media Codec Package, Twinhan DigitalTV etc. All go by pretty much the same principle. The encoders they contain vary in stability and performance. I recommend the ATI/AMD ones.

    ***Remember to restart your PC after installing WinDVR.***


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