Calling all MP New Zealanders (Both of you!!) (7 Viewers)


Portal Member
July 22, 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
Problem with xmltv and pvr scheduler

I have been using pvr sheduler for a bout a week succesfully and xmltvnz from the reven site for a about 2 weeks successfully.

I used to get errrors come up when things were sheduled but the recordings went fine so i ignored them untill i had time to trouble shoot.
Now the xmltvnz has stopped working altogether.

Whats weird is if i go right back to the run command that used to now generaters this error
command prompt comes up with a big list of something like "removed : 0203404"

and an error window [pops up]

"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled

Process id= 0x1c4(452), thread id=0x1dc(476).

Click OK to terminate the application
click CANCEL to debug the application"

the numbers seem different every time i try to run this command

clicking OK makes the error message disappear
clicking CANCEL brings up another error about the debugger not being available.

the command i am running is "D:\utility\xmltv\xmlTVNZ_2.4.0.9\xmlTVNZ.exe tvguide.xml -offset +1200 tv1 tv2 tv3 c4 prime alttv tri juice"

and it used to work fine last week

does anyone know what this error could be


Portal Member
July 23, 2006
Re: Problem with xmltv and pvr scheduler

It's hard to tell from your post if xmltvnz is causing the error or is it the pvr scheduler you are referring too?

When you say..

maak said:
Whats weird is if i go right back to the run command that used to work...

do you mean you'r running xmltvnz from a command prompt or from within the scheduler?


Portal Member
July 22, 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
i gues to attempt trouble shooting i tried running it straight from command prompt. So i can assume the problem [the xmltv error problem] is not with pvr scheduler but with the xmltvnz.

I just been playing around and found if i dropped off prime, alttv, tri, juice, then it works again...of course without those channels in the guide

weird..its beyond me to figure this out


Portal Member
July 23, 2006
I guess the usual windows fix is in order..delete all xmltvnz folders do a fresh install and try again. This time instead of using pvr scheduler use the batch and windows schedule method (posted on nz help page see link above). That has worked since day one for me.

My batch file is simply: xmltvnz.exe tvguide.xml. Then I use MP to filter out all the channels i don't wanna see.

or post error messages to ravens forum (where you downloaded the programme) as the author he may be of assistance an identify the bug for you *fingers crossed.


Portal Member
July 22, 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
so how does that the batch file in the same place as xmltv.exe ? do you use MP to filter the channels showing? in MP or in MP setup?

i did also just notice that in MP in the epg list of countries [setup > my tv] that at the end there is now tv1 tv2 tv3 c4 etc...


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    I have my batch file, .exe and the generated file all in my mediaportal/xmltv folder. Avoids a lot of mucking about!


    Portal Member
    July 23, 2006
    same bat file is in teh same folder.

    To filter channels its under options>configuration>television>tv channels. From memory i imported tvguide.xml after I first ran xmltvnz, then its just a matter of ticking those channels you want to show on guide

    Also something else i did not related to above point to your tvguide.xml file from options>configuration>televeision>programme guide in MP


    Portal Member
    May 22, 2006
    Blasting Sky decoder

    I blast my sky decoder at the moment from my Tivo so it is possible and a friend blasts his two sky decoders using MCE and the Microsoft blaster one blaster per Sky decoder. I would asssume that it would work with MP out of the box. has anyone got it going if now i will give it ago as i had to do a bit of work to get the tivo blasting my sky decoder.


    Portal Pro
    November 5, 2005
    Wellington, New Zealand
    maak said:
    i gues to attempt trouble shooting i tried running it straight from command prompt. So i can assume the problem [the xmltv error problem] is not with pvr scheduler but with the xmltvnz.

    xmltvnz had trouble last week with TV3 and I think this is what is causing your problem. The TV3 website was down and this caused the xmltvnz 'screen scrape' to fail.

    If you check out Reven's forum you will see the fix posted about it. You have to change the tv3 source to come from sky instead.

    Reven's forum is very good for this sort of thing, so if you have a problem check it out there rather than here.


    Portal Pro
    November 5, 2005
    Wellington, New Zealand

    I havent bothered to read all the previous posts but are people having trouble setting up their MCE remote to control MP and have MP switch channels on their STB's ?

    If so Ive done it with HIP, HIPSend and the MPExTunerCmd plugin. One blaster controls the STB the other controls my amp.

    If Im reading you all correct, Ill try and write something up, perhaps we can stick it on the kiwi wiki site, which I think was a brilliant idea....who thought that one up ?


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