Cannot Find - Twinhan Alpha: Twinhan - USB2 DVB-T adapter (1 Viewer)


New Member
December 5, 2005
Can some one help me.

I have being trying to setup media portal 2.0 RC1 with a Twinhan Alpha capture card, but I cannot get media portal to recognise the card.

As far as I can gather it has the latest drivers installed.

I am suspecting it is something to do with the CaptureCardDefinitions.xml having the alpha the same as the MagicBox II, using
"tunerdevice" name="Twinhan USB2 DVB-T receiver" whilst mine is called "Twinhan - USB2 DVB-T adapter" but changing the line does not seem to work.

Is there somewhere a guide to setting up this file? All the links I have found on the forum have so far led to a dead telewest link.

Can someone guide me in the right direction as I do not know what information I need, and if that is really the problem.




Portal Member
December 9, 2005
same problem

have you found a solution i have purchased the same device as it stated MP supported it but it dosent seem to graph it


New Member
December 5, 2005
Solution Found

I found the solution but it took me two whole days and two complete rebuilds to get it going, but when it works it works perfectly.

The problem I was having was that supplied software with the device only works with the supplied driver whilst MP only works with the BDA drivers. I was trying to get the supplied software and MP to work with the same drivers and this seemed impossible. The package of the device implies they are one and the same.

To get it to work:
Download the latest Magic Box II drivers, V1.0.4.1 (latest) and then update the drivers, following the instruction in the readme. I am assuming you have done that correctly as you are getting the cannot graph error.

Download the latest CVS copy of MP and install that. That then solved the cannot graph error and everything should then work.

The only problem I have been having is that the alpha is has sometimes lost the signal when the computer comes out of standby and needs to be removed and repluged in and then all the stations rescanned. I have now removed the alpha and all tv functionality from MP as the computer I am using is not up to the job.

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