Can't download recordings - But streaming works (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 3, 2010
I can't download any recordings.

I am using latest ampdroid and mpextended.

I can stream all my live tv and recordings and everything works great .
However as soon as I click download on a recording it says failed straight away.
Also nothing is coming up in the mpextended logs so I don't know where the error is.

Any ideas?
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Portal Pro
August 10, 2011
I've a same problem, but i can't solve it.

It's a bug or not?

Android 4.1.1 (Galaxy Note 10.1)
ampdroid 1.1.3
mextended 1.4
MediaPortal 1.4.0


Portal Pro
October 7, 2011
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Not sure what the problem is guys. Mine works fine with downloading recordings - but am running android 4.3 on nexus 7. Have you checked that your tv service, and mp extended services are both running? The mpextened service needs to be running from a different windows user account to the one your MP is on


Portal Pro
September 24, 2007
Home Country
Spain Spain
Not sure what the problem is guys. Mine works fine with downloading recordings - but am running android 4.3 on nexus 7. Have you checked that your tv service, and mp extended services are both running? The mpextened service needs to be running from a different windows user account to the one your MP is on

thanks for your help and please excuse the late answer, I could not test before. I trying to run on different users but still no success. Download fails.

i suppose it is a configuration error but no idea what I could have missed... any permission perhaps? but all my users have read/write permission to recording folder.

one detail that perhaps helps to identify my problem. download via web access on pc works without problems. download via web access on tablet fails now works fine also. but no luck with app
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MP Donator
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  • November 26, 2006
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    France France
    Same problem here too:
    MP 1.6
    Mpextended 0.5.4
    Windows Vista
    Android 4.2.2 (lg gpad 8.3).


    MP Donator
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  • November 26, 2006
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    France France
    Strange it is ok with win7. Furthermore with vista i need to do long press and use the action bar to play the file on mp, with 7 a short press do the trick,
    Any idea ?

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