cant get XTASY THEATER 550 working (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
January 7, 2006
I have the below listed system. I have read all the threads I found on the theater 500 card and still cant get mine to work. I was able to view TV in beyondTV so I know that card and drivers work.

The MP Setup finds the card as ATI ELITE (same card really) and it is a H/W/ card. I verified the device-ID in the capture card config file is the same as GRAPHEDIT shows. When I scan the channels it finds all the right channels but there is no preview window to the left of the channel list (there was when I first tried MP w/ the 9800AIW)/. When I run MP and go into TV, it auto starts TV-on with TIMESHIFT-on but with a black TV screen. after about 15seconds each of these options will turn off (the red dot's switch off). If I select "record" while the dots are on, it will continue to record with the red dots on until I manually turn record off. then the red dots will go off also.

after a trial recording, this was the file created so at least recording appears to work. This does actually play in Windows Media Center (tho I would much prefer to NOT record to dvr-ms format):
- 24


-------------------------------------- RC2

Athlon 64 3200+
GIGABYTE GA-K8NSNXP-939 nForce3 Ultra
1gb Ram, DDR SDRAM 400
ATI AIW 9800Pro
MMC 9.03
Catalyst 5.13 Windows XP Media Center Edition
XTASY Theater 500 w/driver ver.

system runs at 2.08ghz

this is the GRAPHEDIT while attempting to view TV


and this is the MediaPortal.Log
- 1/21/2006 1:50:54 is when the TV starts up
- 1/21/2006 1:51:06 is when the TV shuts down

1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Mediaportal is starting up
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Set current directory to :F:\apps\mediaportal\mp
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM verify that directx 9 is installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Windows media player version:10,0,0,3646 installed
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Check if mediaportal is already started
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM delete old log\capture.log file...
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Check skin version
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Init playlist player
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM creating the WINLIRC device
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Initialising WinLirc...
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Winlirc process not found
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM done creating the WINLIRC device
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Init players
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM initializing DirectX
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM start fullscreen
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM ClientSize: 1280x960 screen:1280x960
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM texturemanager:dispose()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM TexturePacker:Dispose()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load key mapping from keymap.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM load localized strings from:language\English\strings.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load fonts from skin\BlueTwo\fonts.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM fonts.InitializeDeviceObjects()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load skin BlueTwo
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM LoadWindowPlugins()
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load plugins from :plugins\windows\Dialogs.dll
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM Load plugins from :plugins\windows\WindowPlugins.dll
1/21/2006 1:50:48 PM using sqlite 3.2.7
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Loading references from skin\BlueTwo\references.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM original skin size:720x576
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM opening tvdatabase
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblversion
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: channel
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblPrograms
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: genre
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: recording
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: canceledseries
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: recorded
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblATSCMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblGroups
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblGroupMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblChannelCard
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblNotifies
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM AddTable: tblEPGMapping
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM tvdatabase opened
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\videoOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\tvOSD.xml image id:350 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Init MPScript
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM F:\apps\mediaportal\mp\scripts
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM Load plugins from :plugins\windows\XihSolutions.DotMSN.dll
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM WindowManager.Load
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM load calibration1280x960.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM WindowManager.Preinitialize
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx20.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:199
1/21/2006 1:50:49 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\black.bmp total:0 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM WindowManager.ActivateWindow
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM xml:skin\BlueTwo\home.xml image id:1000 width:0 height:0 gfx:-
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:1 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\hover_my plugins.png total:2 mem left:114294784
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM skin initialized
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM DX9 size: 1280x960
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM video ram left:111616 KByte
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM running...
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Mediaportal.OnStartup()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: card:1 video device:ATI AVStream Analog Capture TV:True record:True priority:10
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Recorder: tv channel changed:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PlugInManager.Load()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Load plugins from :plugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PlugInManager.Start()
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: version 0.3
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: Settings loaded - wakeup 1, shutdown 3, mode Suspend
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Loaded font:font13 height:21 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:50 PM Loaded font:font16 height:26 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:13 0xD (2)
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM texturemanager:dispose:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:3 mem left:94371840
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Total Memory allocated:4.15 MB
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:enable dx9 exclusive mode
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM goto fullscreen:True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TexturePacker: Loaded skin\BlueTwo\packedgfx21.png texture:2048x2048 miplevels:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TexturePacker: fontengine add texure:197
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM tv home init:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=24 HBO ts:True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:confused:tartViewing on:24 HBO True True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:HandleView 24 HBO True True
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder:confused:tartViewing() channel:24 HBO tvon:True timeshift:True vmr9:False
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: Turn tv on channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: find free card
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: found free card 1 prio:10 name:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Recorder: start timeshifting card 1 channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture: change channel to :24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Playlistplayer.Stopfile
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture.StartTimeShifting() Card:1 :24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() IN
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindInstance:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00\4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ATIAVPCI\Enum
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM Number of cards:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM card#0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM using card:#0
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00\4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ATIAVPCI\Enum
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00\4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:54 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ATIAVPCI\Enum
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00\4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ATIAVPCI\Enum
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00\4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ATIAVPCI\Enum
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00\4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM serviceName:ATIAVPCI
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ATIAVPCI\Enum
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filters available:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM filter#:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_1002&DEV_4D52&SUBSYS_A3461002&REV_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Create new filter graph (IGraphBuilder)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Get the Capture Graph Builder (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Link the CaptureGraphBuilder to the filter graph (SetFiltergraph)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Add graph to ROT table
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Capture> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bc187864-4183-4dc5-9fe0-679a7a039975}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Capture> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\{bc187864-4183-4dc5-9fe0-679a7a039975}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{a799a800-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4}\{e6223d77-45f9-4025-a86f-27bddb4c8ca9}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{a799a800-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4}\{e6223d77-45f9-4025-a86f-27bddb4c8ca9}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{a799a802-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4}\{61e3c270-5102-4266-864d-bde1e28e10e1}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{a799a802-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4}\{61e3c270-5102-4266-864d-bde1e28e10e1}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{a799a801-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4}\{39309da7-b1c0-43a3-aac3-6d6bfcbb75a9}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{a799a801-a46d-11d0-a18c-00a02401dcd4}\{39309da7-b1c0-43a3-aac3-6d6bfcbb75a9}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: adding filter <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{7a5de1d3-01a1-452c-b481-4fa2b96271e8}\{6b2088b7-1e3b-4d3d-905f-2ff22040d5b2}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Added filter <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1002&dev_4d52&subsys_a3461002&rev_00#4&3191a3e6&0&4870#{7a5de1d3-01a1-452c-b481-4fa2b96271e8}\{6b2088b7-1e3b-4d3d-905f-2ff22040d5b2}>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured filters...DONE
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured pin connections...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Tuner>:1 with <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog TV Audio>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:3
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <3> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:0 with <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Xbar>:1 with <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:4 with <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer>:0
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <4> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Connecting <ATI AVStream Analog Capture>:5 with <ATI AVStream MPEG2 Multiplexer>:1
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sourcePin: <5> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Found sinkPin: <1> <System.__ComObject>
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Pins connected...
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Adding configured pin connections...DONE
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice: found output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:HW MPEG2 encoder:True MCE device:False
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx: Capturing:720x480
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:add new MPEG2 Demultiplexer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:create video out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:create audio out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:find MPEG2 demuxer input pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:found MPEG2 demuxer input pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xe0->video output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xe0->video output
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xc0->audio output pin
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xc0->audio output
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() OUT
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM GetFilterByName: Kernel Tee, Kernel Tee
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM GetFilterByName: WST Codec, WST Codec
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph:confused:tartTimeShifting()
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:99 country:1 standard:None name:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:50:55 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:1 tv standard:None cable:True
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to channel:99 county:1 freq:115.312 MHz. tvformat:NTSC_M signal:confused:ignalPresent
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Find crossbar:#1
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar found:1
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar has 5 inputs and 2 outputs
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#0->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect success
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#2->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#3->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Audio_AudioDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM connect success
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM check:in#4->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Audio_AudioDecoder
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Find crossbar:#2
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM no more crossbars.:0x80004005
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM crossbar routing done
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:add Videoanalyzer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:add streambuffersink
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:confused:tartTimeshifting(F:\video_capture\card1\
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:render graph
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:render to :F:\video_capture\card1\
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:connect demux video out->analyzer in
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:demux video out connected to analyzer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:analyzer out->stream buffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:connected to streambuffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:demux audio out->stream buffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:audio out connected to streambuffer
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:confused:et folder:F:\video_capture\card1 filecount 6-8, fileduration:300 sec
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:lock profile
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:confused:tartTimeshifting() start mediactl
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM mpeg2:confused:tartTimeshifting() started mediactl
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Recorder: currentfile: newfile:F:\video_capture\card1\
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM teletext: grab teletext for card:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:50:56 PM Recorder:confused:tartViewing off:24 HBO True True done
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM Playlistplayer.StartFile(F:\video_capture\card1\
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM g_Player.Play(F:\video_capture\card1\
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer:play F:\video_capture\card1\
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM goto fullscreen:True
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR9: now active
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph clock:Realtek AC97 Audio
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pins
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#0:DVR Out - 1
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#1:DVR Out - 2
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: pin:0 not connected:80040209
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: no input pin 1 found:0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM vmr9: no input pin 2 found:0
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer9: switch to overlay
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR9: not active
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM playingFalse radio:False
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:CyberLink MPEG Muxer to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:AC3Filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph clock:Realtek AC97 Audio
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:Realtek AC97 Audio to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM add filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM added filter:ffdshow raw video filter to graph
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pins
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#0:DVR Out - 1
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM got pin#1:DVR Out - 2
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM render ok
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM StreamBufferPlayer:GetVideoSize() failed
1/21/2006 1:50:57 PM player:ended
1/21/2006 1:51:00 PM PowerScheduler: No pending events scheduled, disable wakeup timer (might be pending events too near in time to use wakeup)
1/21/2006 1:51:00 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer deactivated
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM TVCapture.StopTimeShifting() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM SinkGraph:confused:topTimeShifting()
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2:confused:topTimeShifting()
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2:unlock profile
1/21/2006 1:51:06 PM mpeg2:confused:topTimeShifting() stop mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2:confused:topTimeShifting() mediactl stopped
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2:confused:topTimeShifting() stopped
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM SinkGraph:DeleteGraph()
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: close interfaces
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: stop mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM mpeg2: stopped mediactl
1/21/2006 1:51:07 PM teletext: stop grabbing teletext for card:ATI TV Wonder Elite
1/21/2006 1:51:08 PM key:27 0x1B (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:08 PM Recorder:confused:topviewing()
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder:confused:topAllViewing()
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:24 HBO
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome deinit
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Total Memory allocated:5.14 MB
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM goto windowed:True
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM Texturemanager loaded temporay:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png 162x225 format:A8R8G8B8
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM texturemanager:added:skin\BlueTwo\media\tetris\hover.png total:2 mem left:73400320
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
1/21/2006 1:51:09 PM key:27 0x1B (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:10 PM PowerScheduler: Shutdown timer activated, automatic shutdown in 3 minutes
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM key:13 0xD (2)
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM Mediaportal.OnExit()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM PlugInManager.Stop()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM PowerScheduler: Stop()
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM MediaPortal done
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM dbs:close:programDatabaseV3.db3
1/21/2006 1:51:12 PM dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3


Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    Australia Australia
    What Video decoder do you have selected for Television, and do you have ffdshow post-processing enabled?

    Have you tried different video decoders? Which ones?


    Portal Member
    January 7, 2006
    I managed to get it to work. My current settings (Nvidia Video Decoder, VMR9) work good but not yet "perfect". picture is very good but still a little "soft"

    Following are the video codecs I have available. The SNAPSTREAM cause a green TV screen, the Cyberlink show a black screen, and the ATI ones stutter. The NVIDIA seems to work best for me

    - Nvidia Video Decoder
    - Dscaler Mpeg2
    - Snapstream Video/SP
    - Snapstream MPEG-2
    - Snapstream MPEGMuxer DMO
    - Cyberlink Video/SP
    - Cyberlink Decoder ATI
    - Cyberlink MPEG Muxer
    - ATI MPEG Multiplexer
    - ATI CC Multiplexer
    - Sonic MPEG Video Decoder

    Is there perhaps a better choice to use (tho choice may be a bit subjective), or maybe a different codec to possibly install and use, for a better/clearer picture?

    Also any way to change the recording format (to mpg rather than dvr-ms) or the options used for the recording?


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    Australia Australia
    pglenn said:
    I managed to get it to work. ?
    Glad to hear it... :)

    pglenn said:
    My current settings (Nvidia Video Decoder, VMR9) work good but not yet "perfect". picture is very good but still a little "soft"?
    I am not sure what you mean by "soft". My preference is the nVIDIA - while it is use, you will see an nVIDIA icon in the System Tray. Open that up and you can tweek the brightness and contrast. You probably need to reduce the brightness (to get a good black) and then increase the contrast to set the whites correctly. Unfortunately, these controls don't work "in real time" - so you have to make a change and then start MP again to see the effect of the changes....

    pglenn said:
    Also any way to change the recording format (to mpg rather than dvr-ms) or the options used for the recording?
    No, you cannot change the recording format. It is very easy to convert a dvr-ms file to mpg - I use DVRMStoolbox - it takes about 5 minutes to convert a 60 minute recording.


    Portal Member
    January 7, 2006
    as mentioned I do have nVIDIA Video Decoder selected, but when watching TV I dont have a nVIDIA icon in the system tray.

    by "soft" I mean the pic is not extremely sharp and the colors appear a bit washed out, it almost looks like a really thin filter is placed before the screen. I bought the card bacause it is H/W encoding, and it works with programs such as MediaPortal and BeyondTV (btw it really sucks in BTV). But to this point my AIW 9800pro using MMC is SO much better of a picture, and the 550 chipset is supposed to be SO much better than the AIW :-(


    Portal Member
    January 7, 2006
    doesnt seem to be much help here with the 550 :-(

    Too bad since I am able to view TV in beyondTV (tho it is also crappy) and in GB-PVR (which actually has very high quality live-TV) so I know that card and drivers work and that my system is very capable of quality live-TV with this card. GB-PVR doesnt have the look or features of MP but Live-TV, and TV recording, are what are truly important to me.

    Anyone that has a Theater 550 working, please post your PC and your MediaPortal settings for review by those of us still experiencing problems.


    -------------------------------------- RC2

    Athlon 64 3200+
    GIGABYTE GA-K8NSNXP-939 nForce3 Ultra
    1gb Ram, DDR SDRAM 400
    ATI AIW 9800Pro
    MMC 9.03
    Catalyst 5.13 Windows XP Media Center Edition
    XTASY Theater 500 w/driver ver.

    system runs at 2.08ghz


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 23, 2005
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    pglenn said:
    doesnt seem to be much help here with the 550 :-(
    I though you said earlier that you have managed to get it to work... :?

    What problem/s are you still having?


    Portal Member
    January 7, 2006
    I got the VIEW, RECORD, and TIMESHIFT to work, however I am still not happy with the quality. I found the NVIDIA codec to give poor quality, but the ATI works much better. The picture is still "soft" and I can still see "pixel dancing" in solid colored objects. (sorry for descriptions, best I can do...)

    "ATI MPEG Multiplexer "/ VMR9


    here is a link to a BMP file of a screen shot. warning, it is large. if you look at the shirts, the rocks, and the skin you can see what I mean by a "soft, dancing" picture. It is definitely watchable but not 100%.

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