file edit for Twinham DTV Ter (D+A) (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 29, 2005
After downloading MP I could not get it to work with my Twinhan DTv Ter(D+A) card. I eventually made an edit to the file with the code below, the card now works fine. For anyone wishing to use MP with this card just copy and past the code into your file found in the MP directory. Please make sure that your card shows up in windows as DTV-DVB 3054 TS Digital Capture if not you will need to make adjustments to the code which I have put in bold, to suite your card. For example the Vision version of this card may not show up by the same name in windows as the Twinhan version.

<capturecard commercialname="Twinhan Ter (D+A)" capturename="DTV-DVB 3054 Digital TS Capture" devid="ven_14f1&amp;dev_8802&amp;subsys_00191822&amp;rev_05">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="true" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="true" bda="true"></capabilities>
<interface cat="capture" video="2" audio="3" mpeg2="1" sectionsandtables="5"></interface>
<filter cat="networkprovider" name="Microsoft DVBT Network Provider" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<filter cat="tunerdevice" name="DTV-DVB 3054 Digital Tuner/Demod" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="capture" name="DTV-DVB 3054 Digital TS Capture" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<connection sourcefilter="networkprovider" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="tunerdevice" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tunerdevice" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"></connection>

I hope this helps anyone with this card.



Portal Member
January 2, 2006
Thanks alot for posting this it has saved me alot of time and effort.

I would just like to ask if you have gotten the remote control to fully work with MP? I have found a few suggestions in some posts, but this one is in german and this one (wich uses HIP software to remap the keys) is abit complicated but i have got some of the buttons working in it, only problem though is if there isnt a keyboard shortcut to a function in MP then the remote will never use that function, so only the basic functions will work.


Portal Member
December 29, 2005
Hi furiousdog,

I am pleased that edit hepled you, I know how annoying it is trying to get it to work. It took me days to work it out, I must have read every Twinhan post on this forum.

As for the remote if you go to the twinhan web site you can download the latest BDA drivers for this card. The file is called V1.0.1.8_WHQL. If you download and unzip that file there is a program in there called BDAConsole. If you run that you can set the remote function. There are choices for PowerCinema, Twinhan DTV, MCE etc. I think I have got mine set for PowerCinema I'm not sure now but I have got the remote choice in MP set for MCE European. My remote works quite well with MP. The volume up and down works as does the mute. The full screen button works, the cancel button takes me back to the previous screen. It is a case of trying the different settings in the BDAConsole utility to find what works best for you. I also have the latest BDA drivers installed.



Portal Member
January 2, 2006
Thank you once again!!! :D

For the past couple of days i have been trying to set up my tv card, also reading every post on this forum and had given up then went back to using PowerCinema. Your post could not have come at a better time. I am now using MediaPortal and love open source software. Thank you greatly!

I would just like to point out though for anyone else trying to set up this card with MP, I didnt have a file in the main MP directory, instead i did the same alterations to the CaptureCardDefinitions.xml file found in the main MP directory.


Portal Member
December 29, 2005

Sorry; by file I meant CaptureCardDefinitions.xml it was just me being lazey by calling it the file, so for anyone else wanting to make this mod don't look for a file called it is actually called CaptureCardDefinitions.xml I am pleased the edit helped you out.


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