OK. It could be a configuration issue. Test what happens if you set the hdmi port to 5 and "Connected to:" to AudioSystem in CECRemote settings.Changed to "Playback device" but no change. I wonder if libcec is communicating with the AVR and not the TV. It looks as if the TV is not connected since all remote buttons are interpreted locally by the TV.
OK. Tested with no effect.
I have done some testing. I have added a log with comments in.
The same here.I have a problem with CECRemote that looses contact with my TV so I have to restart MP to enable it again.
Did not think of using libcec-tray for testing, never used it before.
Yes. Same problem there. I have appended two logs from libcec-tray.
libCECTray_2.1.4_log.txt contains the switching in the AVR that causes the TV to disconnect.
libCECTray_2.1.4_TV_setup.txt contains the hdmi switching in the TV that will reconnect the communication.
OK. I guess the next step is to contact Pulse-Eight support, this seems like a libcec issue...
Btw, is there users who have these combinations (philips-onkyo, sharp-pioneer) working correctly?